Waukesha Christmas Parade Massacre Complaint: Brooks Zigzagged to Hit People
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The suspect in the Waukesha Christmas Parade Massacre in Wisconsin intentionally plowed into parade-goers and zigzagged his SUV to keep hitting them, the criminal complaint against him says.

An anti-white black supremacist, Darrell E. Brooks, Jr. is charged with with six counts of first-degree intentional homicide in the shocking mass murder. Brooks also injured more than five dozen others, police allege.

Brooks’s social-media tirades against whites suggest that he crashed into the parade purposely to kill and injure whites. And he has used an automobile as a weapon more than once, records show.

Officer Fired at SIV Three Times

The mayhem began, the complaint’s probable-cause statement says, when a Detective Casey spotted the red Ford Escape used in the massacre heading south on White Rock Ave, which, with East Main Street and Perkins, formed the parade route.

People began scattering, and at the intersection of White Rock and East Main, Casey “stepped in front of the Ford Escape and pounded on the hood of the vehicle and yelled multiple times, ‘Stop.’”

Casey’s attire clearly identified him as a police officer, yet Brooks, the complaint alleges, turned westbound onto East Main. “At that time, the vehicle was driving at a slow speed and the vehicle brushed Detective Casey back off of the front of the car, causing him to be positioned down the driver’s side of the vehicle,” the complaint says:

Detective Casey went to the driver’s side window and pounded on the driver’s side door yelling, “Stop.” Detective Casey subsequently positively identified the driver of the Ford Escape as Darrell E. Brooks, Jr. The defendant drove past Detective Casey and into the parade procession. Detective Casey chased the vehicle to East Avenue on foot and he observed the vehicle begin to drive faster.

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Casey radioed other cops that Brooks was driving into the parade, then heard that “the vehicle was striking people and was continuing westbound on East Main Street.”

Brooks “struck numerous pedestrians, which included both parade participants and spectators located on the side of the street,” the complaint says.

Another report came from an Officer Butryn, who was helping crowd control. As Brooks approached East Main from White Rock, he tried to get Brooks’s attention, and standing directly in front of the vehicle, repeatedly yelled “stop, stop the vehicle.” Butryn figured Brooks was traveling about 25 miles per hour.

Brooks was “looking straight ahead,” Butryn reported, and “had no emotion on his face.”

Butryn repeatedly yelled for Brooks to stop, but he “continued westbound on East Main Street” and honked the horn.

Then Brooks took off on the rampage, the complaint says:

As the vehicle was traveling westbound, the vehicle began getting closer to parade spectators, and almost struck a small juvenile who was standing in one of the parking stalls on the north side of the road as its speed was increasing. The vehicle then got to the intersection of East Main Street and NW Barstow Street, and it appeared the brakes were activated. Officer Butryn believed the vehicle was going to come to a stop and attempt to make a right hand turn out of the parade route, onto NW Barstow Street. However, the vehicle then appeared to rapidly accelerate, as Officer Butryn heard tires squeal. The vehicle took an abrupt left turn into the crowd of parade participants. At this point, it was clear to Officer Butryn that this was an intentional act to strike and hurt as many people as possible. 

Butryn ran after the SUV and saw it “intentionally moving side to side, striking multiple people, and bodies and objects were flying from the area of the vehicle.”

Another officer fired at and hit the vehicle three times.

A witness testified that Brooks was trying to mow down parade-goers:

As I continued to watch the SUV, it continued to drive in a zigzag motion. It was like the SUV was trying to avoid vehicles, not people. There was no attempt made by the vehicle to stop, much less slow down.

A second witness likewise said it was Brooks’s “direct intent to hit as many parade participants” as possible.

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Long Record

As The New American reported last week, Brooks’s social-media posts threatened elderly whites, and he also produced a rap video in which he attacked President Trump. In 2016, he posted “directions” that explained how to run over a crowd.

In early November, he tried to run over his girlfriend at a BP gas station parking lot. In May, Fox News disclosed yesterday, citing public records, Brooks beat up the woman.

“Cops responded and determined that Brooks had struck his girlfriend, who had bruising and redness around her eyes, and arrested him for misdemeanor battery,” Fox reported.

In 2011, Brooks tried to run down a cop. In 2007, was convicted of calling a bomb threat in to a casino in Nevada, where he is also a convicted sex offender.

His rap sheet of violent crime, including a conviction for strangling, goes back 20 years.