Hunter’s Las Vegas Prostitute Got $20K Virus Paycheck Loan
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President Joe Biden must have been mighty concerned about boy Hunter’s love life. POTUS 46’s Small Business Administration gave more than $20,000 to one of Hunter’s prostitutes in Las Vegas.

“Sole proprietor” Cheryl Deboves, a federal loan record shows, locked down the paycheck protection loan just after the elder — or elderly — Biden took office.

The latest amusing tale comes on the heels of his Naked Gun videotape, which featured a birthday-suited Boy Biden in a hotel room and waving around a pistol in front of a naked prostitute.

The “Loan”

Prostitute Deboves’s occupation is listed under “Independent Artists, Writers, and Performers,” the SBA loan document says:

Cheryl Deboves in Las Vegas, Nevada, received a Paycheck Protection Loan of $20,207 through Capital Plus Financial, LLC, which was approved in April, 2021.

This loan’s status is reported by the SBA as “Paid in Full”, which includes both loans repaid and those fully forgiven from repayment under PPP guidelines. The loan’s status was last updated by the SBA in October, 2021.

Amusingly, the document also reported that Deboves “reported intending to use the proceeds of their PPP loan for the following expenses:

• Payroll: $20,205

• Utilities: $1

Whether prostitutes everywhere will move to Las Vegas to take advantage of those low utility bills is unknown, but that question regardless, another recipient of the government largesse at Deboves’ address is one Melissa Underbrink. She is a “Self-employed Individual” involved in “personal services.”

She received a $5,075 loan. Status: “Ongoing.”

Text Messages

“Deboves was one of the Las Vegas prostitutes showcased throughout Biden’s laptop, including in a text exchange where she wrote in August 2018 to Biden that his sexual preferences are too much,” The Daiy Caller reported of texts published by the Daily Wire.

“Honestly babe the problem is you have too many girls there,” Deboves wrote:

I understand you like a lot of girls but that’s fine do one at a time at the tops to Which is fine but just hire the second girl for like 1 hour.

Deboves also confessed admitted that she spent Hunter’s money on heroin and needles:

Baby I am so sorry listen I’m not trying to take advantage of you but I spent all of the money that you got me on black. I went to Walmart to get needles babe.

We might recall that Babe Biden is the smartest man his father knows.

Prostitutes aren’t the only beneficiaries of Hunter’s connection to the man in the White House, the Caller observed.

The gallery that shows his paintings collected $580,000 in Virus assistance and SBA PPP loans, the New York Post reported last year.

Naked Gun

Given his love of art, and the time he spends with prostitutes, Hunter might consider painting portraits of the drug-addled beauties instead waving guns around them.

As The New American reported yesterday, the sex-obsessed presidential scion is on tape in a “swanky” hotel, as the Post called it, brandishing a semi-automatic pistol. Hunter was buck naked. So was the hooker.

Radar Online reported that the gun in the video is the same one that Hunter purchased illegally in 2018. But that might not be true.

That gun, reported to be a .38-caliber revolver, was the subject of yet another major scandal because Hunter lied on the form required to purchase the firearm. He answered no to this question: “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?”

Hunter is a notorious drug addict. The Navy kicked him out because of his cocaine addiction.

Hunter’s sister-in-law lover Hallie, the widow of brother Beau, found the piece and tossed it in a supermarket trash can across the street from a high school.

Maybe Joe Biden should channel his enthusiasm for taking guns from law-abiding citizens into taking guns from his drug-addicted son before he kills someone.