The family of 20-year-old autistic Kayla Hamilton, raped and murdered by one of Traitor Joe Biden’s illegal-alien invaders, will sue the administration for $100 million, the mother of the victim and her attorney announced.
The murderer was a MS-13 gang member who crossed the border illegally and whom Biden released.
Tammy Nobles and attorney Brian Claypool announced the forthcoming lawsuit this week. Nobles and other parents testified before the U.S. House Homeland Security Committee this week as part of the impeachment probe of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.
In May, the House Judiciary Committee released a damning report, based on the illegal’s case file. It showed just how negligent the administration was in releasing the filthy scumbag who murdered Hamilton.
The Case File
Cops in Aberdeen, Maryland, arrested the illegal, then 17 years old, in January 2023 for raping and murdering Hamilton in July 2022. An MS-13 gang member, he entered the country as an “unaccompanied alien child” that March in the Rio Grande Valley Border Sector.
On February 27, 2023, in a letter to Mayorkas, Judiciary chief Jim Jordan and Tom McClintock, chairman of Judiciary’s Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement, demanded the illegal’s file. DHS withheld material, “citing amazingly, the government’s concern for the privacy of the criminal alien accused of Kayla’s murder.” DHS permitted representatives of the two committees to review the files in camera “with certain redactions.”
Yet the committees still discovered just how eagerly the administration is aiding and abetting an invasion of the United States by illegal-alien criminals.
“Members of his family paid $4,000 to a ‘guide’ who smuggled him to the southwest border,” the committee report revealed, after which the Office of Refugee Resettlement sent him to an “alleged ‘first cousin’ in Maryland.” From there, he ran away and disappeared.
But worse than that, the administration should have known he was a gang member.
“The alien had been arrested by police in El Salvador on January 21, 2020, for illicit association with the MS-13 gang,” membership that went undiscovered until Aberdeen cops arrested him and found out:
This fact is significant not only because it contradicts the alien’s narrative to federal immigration authorities that he fled El Salvador to escape gang-related threats, but also because the Biden Administration should have uncovered this key fact during its vetting of the alien after his encounter along the border. The alien’s case file also includes information from law enforcement officials dated August 2022, noting that the alien had tattoos affiliated with gang activity. There was no indication in the case file that DHS or HHS noted gang-affiliated tattoos on his body at the time of his apprehension or placement, respectively.…
The reason the alien gave for leaving El Salvador — that he was escaping the gangs there — appears to have been a pretext. In any event, DHS did not sufficiently screen this alien for potential gang affiliation.
More amazingly, the administration placed him in a foster home with other kids “while his homicide charge was pending and after his affiliation with MS-13 was known.”
Such is the zeal to import new Democrat voters that the administration forgot to scrub the illegal’s file of “factual inconsistencies,” the report continued:
• The person referenced throughout the file as his “first cousin,” who the alien refers to as his aunt, is indicated to be a woman living in Maryland with multiple children. However, in one place in his file, this “first cousin” is also described as a male with no parenting experience.
• The case file notes the alien completed calls with “his father (sponsor),” which contradicts the consistent narrative the alien asserted throughout his file that his biological father had never been a part of his life.
• The case file notes that the alien had no siblings, but also that he had a half-brother.
The result of it all, again, was the brutal rape and murder of Hamilton. The Salvadoran brute strangled her with a phone cord.
“Every person in this country should be terrified by the senseless murder of Kayla Hamilton. This could happen anywhere,” Claypool told Fox News.
One purpose of the lawsuit, he said, is to pry information out of the administration: “We plan on getting answers.”
“We don’t even know the name of the murderer … because our government is affording privacy rights to an illegal-alien murderer,” he added.
Other Victims
Hamilton, of course, isn’t the only victim of the Biden-sponsored illegal-alien invasion.
Another was 11-year-old Aiden Clark. He was killed, police alleged, when a Haitian illegal who crossed the border in August 2022 and whom the administration also released crashed into a school bus. The illegal expects the court to dismiss the charges of involuntary manslaughter and vehicular homicide.
Yet another was a cop in Chesapeake, Virginia. A drunk Nicaraguan illegal whom the administration also released crashed into the officer during a traffic stop, police allege, sent him over a guardrail, and fractured the officer’s skull and C6 vertebrae.
A third was the 40-year-old American in Eagle Pass, Texas. A Peruvian illegal — again, released by the administration — is charged with that murder.
Biden and his Cuban immigrant Homeland Security chief, the unindicted visa fraudster Mayorkas, are directly responsible for all these deaths but will never be held accountable.