Bragg Charges Political Candidate With Hate Crimes
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Alvin Bragg
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Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has finally charged someone with a crime who deserves it — unlike former Marine Daniel Penny and former President Donald Trump.

The suspect in this case is one Skiboky Stora, whom the Soros DA charged with hate crimes and aggravated harassment for accosting or attacking pedestrians, the most notable being TikTok personality Halley Kate.

Stora, 40, says he’s running for office in New York again, having failed in a previous mayoral bid in 2021.

The Attacks

“Skiboky Stora allegedly committed a series of hate-motivated incidents against several individuals based on their perceived gender, race and religion,” a news release from Bragg said.

Stora committed three of the crimes last year and one this year, the release alleges.

On September 20 at about 8:00 a.m., Bragg alleges, Stora elbowed a 17-year-old white girl in the neck in the city’s Chelsea section. “You people think you can do whatever the f**k you want,” he said.

A month later at about 8:10 a.m. he elbowed a “37-year-old fair-skinned woman” who walked past him in the same neighborhood, Bragg alleges.

Almost a month after that, at about 9:30 a.m., a white Jewish couple, both 28, were in Union Square walking their dogs. The woman saw Stora “tearing down posters of kidnapped Israeli hostages and took a picture of him,” Bragg alleges. Stora saw that the two had seen him, followed them, and shouted “anti-white and antisemitic remarks, including, ‘F**k you white boy,’” the release continues:

A Good Samaritan invited the couple inside her apartment building so they could get away from STORA. STORA followed them into the building lobby, yelling in substance, “Die, Jews, Die!” 

Next came the attack on Kate on March 24 at about 10:20 a.m. As she passed Stora in the same neighborhood as the first two attacks, “he struck her in the head, causing her to fall to the ground. She also suffered pain and swelling on the left side of her head.”

Kate posted about the attack on TikTok.

“You guys, I was literally just walking, and a man came up and punched me in the face,” a crying Kate said. “Oh, my God it hurts so bad. I can’t even talk. Literally, I fell to the ground. And now, this giant goose egg is forming.… Oh, my God, this is so crazy.”

Later, Kate said she didn’t know whether the man punched or elbowed her, but did say she “blacked out.” When she came to, Stora was “screaming” at her, she said.

Stora is charged with three counts of third-degree assault as a hate crime, one count of third-degree stalking as a hate crime, and one count of second-degree aggravated harassment. The first two are felonies, the third, a misdemeanor.

Other Attacks

After Kate posted her story, the New York Post reported, more women posted their accounts of similar attacks.

“I just got punched in the face, walking home,” design student Mikayla Toninato claimed. 

“I was literally like leaving class, I turned the corner and I was looking down and I was looking at my phone, and like texting, and then, out of nowhere, this man just came up and hit me in the face.”

Continued the Post:

Another woman named Oliva Brand took to the platform on March 17 to report the same experience, in a clip filmed on Mulberry Street in Nolita.

“I literally got punched in the head on the sidewalk. He goes, ‘Sorry,’ and then punches me — in the head,” Brand said, in a video of her walking down a street.

“Holy crap, what the hell just happened? Oh my God.”

The NYPD confirmed the narratives of Kate and Brand, saying that a 23-year-old woman reported an assault at West 16th Street and 7th Avenue at 10:20 a.m. Monday, as with Kate’s report. She was treated at a medical facility for injuries to the left side of her face, cops said.

On March 17, a 25-year-old was walking her dog just before noon at Kenmare and Mulberry streets when an “unknown individual punched her in the head,” according to officials when asked about Brand’s video.

The Post observed that the attacks sound similar to the “knockout game,” which is popular among young, black thugs who target pedestrians with sucker punches or even bricks to knock them unconscious.

When the thugs target whites, the game is also called “polar bear hunting.”

Perennial Fringe Candidate

For his part, Stora, who claims black nationalist Marcus Garvey is his great-great grandfather, has been a candidate for governor, city council, and again, mayor, the Post noted.

And he’s running again, the city’s Fox 5 reported.

“They’re [trying to] indict me man … this guy Alvin Bragg he’s corrupted,” Stora said when he left the courtroom after his indictment, the station reported. “We just [trying to] run for office.”

The station did not disclose the office Stora seeks. When he ran for mayor in 2021, he ran as a member of the “Out Lawbreaker Party.” When he ran for city council in 2023, he was with the “Freedom Party.”

As well, “Stora claims he came to the U.S. as a refugee,” the station continued, and that police “had no probable cause to arrest [him].”

That remains to be seen.

But neither did cops have probable cause to arrest Penny, who stopped a subway maniac from going on a murderous rampage last year on May 1.

He faces trial beginning October 8 in the death of Jordan Neely, whom police had arrested 42 times.

Neely was threatening straphangers on a subway car when Penny put him in a chokehold to control him.

Penny faces charges of second-degree manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide.

Witnesses to the struggle said that Neely was “insanely threatening” and “Satanic,” and warned that “someone is going to die today.”