Joe Biden is “the big guy” in the China-deal e-mails the New York Post published last week.
The identification of Biden as a key player in his son’s inexplicably lucrative foreign business deals comes from Tony Bobulinski, a former Navy officer who was in business with the Biden boys. In so many words, he called the Bidens double-crossing liars who “leveraged the Biden family name” to rake in millions from the Chinese Reds.
The bad news for the Democrat presidential candidate? He can no longer deny he knew nothing of his son’s obscenely lucrative activities overseas. Indeed, it appears the Democrat presidential candidate profited handsomely.
Former Navy Officer’s Statement
In a statement to the Post yesterday, Bobulinski admitted he received the China-deal e-mail that mentions “the big guy.”
That e-mail from 2017 surfaced in the Post’s original story about Hunter Biden’s fast boat to Chinese riches. Another e-mail said he hatched a three-year $30 million deal for his invaluable services.
What Hunter Biden did for the millions he made overseas is a mystery, but that aside, another e-mail discussed “remuneration packages” and “equity,” including “10 held by H for the big guy?”

“I am the recipient of the email published seven days ago by the New York Post which showed a copy to Hunter Biden and Rob Walker,” Bobulinski wrote. “That email is genuine.”
Two Senate committees, Finance and Homeland Security, requested all documents relating to the former Navy lieutenant’s business with the Bidens.
“If the media and Big Tech companies had done their jobs over the past several weeks I would be irrelevant in this story,” he wrote. “Given my long standing service and devotion to this great country, I could no longer allow my family’s name to be associated or tied to Russian disinformation or implied lies and false narratives dominating the media right now.”
Bobulinski left the Navy to become an investor and considers himself a Democrat. But so disturbing are the Biden Crime Family’s lies he had to lower the boom. “What I am outlining is fact,” he wrote. “I know it is fact because I lived it.”
Indeed, he was instrumental in it:
I am the CEO of Sinohawk Holdings which was a partnership between the Chinese operating through CEFC/Chairman Ye and the Biden family. I was brought into the company to be the CEO by James Gilliar and Hunter Biden. The reference to “the Big Guy” in the much publicized May 13, 2017 email is in fact a reference to Joe Biden. The other “JB” referenced in that email is Jim Biden, Joe’s brother.
Hunter Biden called his dad “the Big Guy” or “my Chairman,” and frequently referenced asking him for his sign-off or advice on various potential deals that we were discussing. I’ve seen Vice President Biden saying he never talked to Hunter about his business. I’ve seen firsthand that that’s not true, because it wasn’t just Hunter’s business, they said they were putting the Biden family name and its legacy on the line.
Bobulinski also said the Bidens played him for a fool.
On reading a report from the Senate Homeland Security Committee, he realized “the Bidens had gone behind my back and gotten paid millions of dollars by the Chinese, even though they told me they hadn’t and wouldn’t do that to their partners.… The Biden family aggressively leveraged the Biden family name to make millions of dollars from foreign entities even though some were from communist controlled China.”
Other E-mails
Joe Biden and his handlers must be shaken as they head into tonight’s second and last debate with President Trump.
The latest e-mail proves beyond doubt that Biden boldly lied when he said he knew nothing about his son’s amazingly profitable foreign business ventures.
“I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” the Democrat candidate said last year.
That claim was always ridiculous, but in any event more proof that Biden lied is the e-mail from a Burisma Holdings executive to Hunter Biden. That e-mail thanked him for arranging a meeting with his father in 2015.
Though the campaign denies the vice president met with exec Vadym Pozharskyi, it admitted to Politico that Biden might have run into him, serendipitously for Pozharskyi of course, “on the sidelines of some broader U.S.-Ukraine event.”
Pozharskyi sought Hunter Biden’s help in shutting down a Ukrainian prosecutor’s probe of Burisma, the energy company at the center of the Biden-Burisma influence-peddling scandal. Burisma employed Hunter Biden at an exorbitant salary, and in 2016, then-Vice President Biden forced Ukraine to sack the prosecutor.
In a text to his sister, Hunter Biden said his father collected 50 percent of his relatives’ income. They kicked up to the old man because they made money on his name.
As for the debate, the obvious question is whether moderator Kristen Welker will ask Biden about the incriminating e-mails.
Welker is an openly hostile, hate-Trump reporter whose family donated a whopping $20,000 to Barack Hussein Obama.
The Welkers have also financed Biden and donated to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.