Poll: Americans Increasingly Think Civil War Is Likely in the Next 10 Years
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Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The country is sharply divided today, with growing political tension, partisan rhetoric, economic duress, and woke policies invading everyday life. Now comes a poll from YouGov and The Economist showing that, with the political tension and division, about 43 percent of Americans believe a civil war is at least somewhat likely in the next decade. Only 35 percent of the 1,500 people surveyed said civil war was not likely or not very likely.

Years of growing political violence have led Americans to consider the possibility of civil war ravaging the United States once again. With the ramping up of violent activities by woke leftists — burning cities, tearing down monuments, and attacking all aspects of traditional conservative American values — many people see a future of increased political division and violence.

According to the survey:

Two-thirds of Americans (66%) believe that political divisions in this country have gotten worse since the beginning of 2021, compared to only 8% who say the country has grown less divided. Few see things improving in the coming years: 62% expect an increase in political divisions.

A similar share (63%) to the proportion who say political divisions have worsened (66%) say political violence has increased since the start of 2021. Three in five Americans (60%) anticipate an increase in political violence in the next few years and only 9% expect political violence to decline.

The poll then compared Democrats and Republicans on political division in the country. Republicans were more likely to say political division has worsened lately and expect the political divide to widen.

It’s obvious to anyone who has a pulse that the nation is going through some serious political upheaval. Every day, Americans are bombarded with woke, agenda-driven government actions that can only widen the ever-growing political divide that the poll accurately captured.

The FBI raid of former President Donald Trump private residence tops the list of recent incidents that not only fuel political division, but also lead people to question the federal government.

The Center Square reported that newly released data from Rasmussen Reports showed that 44 percent of surveyed Americans say the raid made them trust the FBI less:

“Last week’s raid by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on former President Donald Trump’s home has damaged the FBI’s standing with Republican and independent voters,” Rasmussen said. “A new national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports finds that 44% of [likely] U.S. voters say the FBI raid on Trump’s Florida home made them trust the FBI less, compared to 29% who say it made them trust the bureau more. Twenty-three percent (23%) say the Trump raid did not make much difference in their trust of the FBI.”

Then we have woke Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold, who spews leftist political rhetoric at every opportunity in keeping with deepening the political divide. In a recent interview with The Guardian, she said, “What we can expect from the extreme Republicans running across this country is to undermine free and fair elections for the American people, strip Americans of the right to vote, refuse to address security breaches and, unfortunately, be more beholden to Mar-a-Lago than the American people.” She added, “The country could lose the right to vote and we could lose … more of our fundamental freedoms in less than three months.”

The fear-driven agenda of political “divide and conquer,” such as Griswold’s, is endemic to the campaigns of leftist Democrats who seek to win in the midterms. New York Governor Kathy Hochul wasn’t shy about her politics when she asked 5.4 million Republicans to leave New York. “Just jump on a bus and head down to Florida where you belong, OK?” she said. “You are not New Yorkers.”

It is this type of behavior from both major political parties and their elected officials that has led a majority of Americans to think that things are worse now than they have been, and that they will continue in that direction. The Left knows that its “righteous” egalitarian worldview is in jeopardy, and is showing us the ugly truth. 

However you view the results of the poll, this writer still remains optimistic, as the heightened political divisiveness can only mean that more good people are getting active and standing up for what they know is best for our constitutional Republic.