The old adage is “don’t bite the hand that feeds you,” but left-wing activists appear more than willing to chew the whole hand off if they don’t get exactly what they want.
The workings of California’s controversial Task Force to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans has sparked a fierce emotional response from leftists, who have repeatedly been making demands of the body for what they believe is the appropriate dollar amount that should be gifted to Californians who can claim a descent from slaves.
One of the loudest voices in the room during a Wednesday meeting of the task force was Deon D. Jenkins, a self-styled “grassroots hip hop organizer for reparations” who ran for president in 2016 and 2020, and also made an unsuccessful bid for the U.S. Senate in the 2022 midterms, pulling in 7,000 votes, or 0.1 percent.
As The Daily Mail reports, Jenkins told the first meeting of the task force that reparations should be $800,000 per individual in keeping with the average home price in the state.
The activist gave a stern warning of repercussions that would be sure to follow if the government ultimately fails to live up to this demand.
In Jenkins’ view, “either they’re going to comply or it’s going to be a serious backlash.”
As KRCR notes, the hip-hop organizer spoke of “four elements of reparations.”
“Defense, money, land, grants,” Jenkins said. “Four elements of every society, every nation — a defensive structure, economy, land and having access to that economy. If that is not being addressed reparations will not hold. Reparations — repair is the root word, we cannot have repair if those elements are not addressed.”
As The New York Times has reported, the task force has made the recommendation of allocating $569 billion for reparations, which amounts to approximately $223,000 per person.
But Jenkins isn’t the only activist for whom that sum isn’t enough. Max Fennell, a triathlete and social media personality, told the committee he wants to see a reparations payment of $350,000 and 15-20 acres of land per person, along with $250,000 grants for black-owned small businesses.
The task force’s vice chairman, Dr. Amos Brown, spoke to The National Desk (TND) and fired back at criticism of the committee, which in addition to Brown is led by state Sen. Steven Bradford and attorney Lisa Holder.
“Much of the recent news coverage regarding California’s Reparations Task Force has been inaccurate and deceitful,” Brown said. “The Task Force is taking a deliberate and common sense approach, based on facts and evidence. Our process is well documented, with input from the public, experts and key officials, providing diverse opinions, objective analysis and factual information. The work of the Task Force continues and will be completed in the Summer of 2023 with the release of our final report.”
The New American’s David Kelly previously detailed how the Reparations Task Force is stacked with radical far-leftists who seem to hate America.
For example:
- The task force’s chair, entertainment lawyer Kamilah Moore, is interested in hearing “from ‘experts’ who want to abolish the police.”
- Dr. Amos Brown, the vice chair, said that “America is a racist country.”
- According to California Assemblyman Reginald Jones-Sawyer, a task force member, “Today we don’t treat African Americans as slaves, but when you look at the prison system, you go, ‘Oh, I now can connect the dots that the prison industrial system might just be another form of slavery.’”
- Another member, Dr. Jovan Scott Lewis, reportedly wrote a paper “essentially branding capitalism as racist.”
- Appointed task force member Steven Bradford, a state senator, told the Los Angeles Times, “I’ve often said, if you can inherit generational wealth, you can inherit generational debt and the state of California, as well as the United States, owes a debt to African Americans who are descendants of slavery and helped build this country.”
The hope of California’s Democrat-controlled government is that the state’s reparations program will inspire the federal government to launch a similar plan nationwide.
For the sake of justice, common sense, and the country’s economic well-being, constitutionalist Americans must continue to remain alert to ensure Washington and/or other states don’t emulate the Golden State’s social-justice lunacy.