United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon and UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) chief Irina Bokova (shown with Ban), a longtime Communist Party operative, will both be celebrating “Victory Day” in Moscow with Vladimir Putin, according to state-run Russian media outlets. Also joining Putin and more than 15,000 Russian soldiers in the Soviet Union-themed festivities — the largest ever — will be brutal North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, the self-styled “presidents” running fellow “Eurasian Union” regimes, an estimated 100 Communist Chinese troops, and even a contingent of Indian forces. Western leaders are largely shunning the celebrations, citing, among other concerns, events in Ukraine.
Russia’s 70th anniversary Victory Day extravaganza, set to take place on May 9 in Red Square amid the national holiday, is ostensibly a celebration of Soviet Socialist mass-murderer Joseph Stalin’s role in defeating National Socialist (Nazi) mass-murderer Adolf Hitler. Nazi forces officially surrendered to the USSR on that day (Moscow time) in 1945. However, more than a few critics have pointed out that the huge event appears to be in large part a celebration of communism, a ruthless movement that resulted in the wholesale slaughter of more than 100 million people in the last century alone.
At the festivities last year, for example, buildings, including the Kremlin, were decorated with Soviet-era communist emblems and hammer-and-sickle insignias as Russian troops marched around showing off their weapons. In the background, the military orchestra played the Soviet National Anthem, reinstituted as Russia’s national anthem by Putin in 2000. “We will look after Russia and its glorious history and will make service to our country the highest value, as it always was throughout our history,” Putin, a former KGB chief, declared at last year’s event.
This year’s celebration of victory in what the Soviet regime called the “Great Patriotic War” is set to be the largest ever. It will feature some 16,000 Russian troops, 200 armored military vehicles, and 150 military planes and helicopters, according to news reports. A number of Putin’s newest and most advanced military armaments will also be on display, draped in hammers and sickles, to show off the Kremlin’s growing military might. A total of 26 or more “presidents” and dictators, mostly from “former” Soviet puppet states, are also scheduled to attend, according to Kremlin-run media organs.
In addition, more than 700 foreign military personnel, most of whom arrived over the weekend for rehearsals, will participate in the event. Among them, for the first time in history, will be a ceremonial contingent of about 110 Communist Chinese soldiers in the “People’s Liberation Army.” The Beijing dictatorship’s ambassador to Moscow said the sending of PLA forces “fully embodies the rich content of the strategic cooperation between the two countries, as well as the high level and the character of their relations.” A contingent of Indian troops with the elite Grenadiers Regiment will also march in the event, “the first time Indian Army is taking part in a foreign country’s victory celebration,” Indian media reported.
Perhaps the most surprising attendee will be UN boss Ban Ki Moon. According to UN sources cited in news reports, the controversial UN chief will be flying to Moscow on May 8 to “take part in the celebration events,” before leaving Russia on May 11. Last year, Ban attended a G77 plus Communist China summit in Bolivia pushing for what the more than 130 governments and dictatorships called a “New World Order to Live Well.” Applauding the assembled rulers and their demands — global socialism, essentially — the UN chief declared: “All countries need to act on these priorities, individually and collectively.” That is how he understood the “New World Order,” he told the summit. Putin and Beijing, close allies, have both long been promoting what they call a “multi-polar” “New World Order.”
Less surprising at Moscow’s communism-themed celebrations will be the attendance of UNESCO boss Bokova, whose communist roots stretch back decades. Her father, Georgi Bokova, was a leading light for the murderous Bulgarian Communist Party regime, even serving as chief editor for the party’s official propaganda organ. The current chief of UNESCO, a UN agency that is quietly seeking to seize control of education globally, was a member of the Bulgarian Communist Party’s youth wing before becoming an adult member of the party, where she remained even after it changed its name to the Bulgarian Socialist Party.
She boasted of her upcoming attendance in the Kremlin’s media. “The celebration of the end of World War II is very important. The historic memory must be preserved,” Bokova said in an “exclusive interview” with Russian state-controlled news agency TASS, adding that UNESCO was also celebrating its 70th anniversary this year. “UNESCO was founded to promote the principles of humanism. This idea was important 70 years ago and is still vital.”
Considering her communist roots, Bokova may feel right at home in Red Square in the presence of so many communist and socialist dictators and their minions. Among them: Kyrgyzstan “President” Almazbek Atambaev, Tajik “President” Emomali Rahmon, brutal communist dictator Islam Karimov of Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan’s Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov, and more. Totalitarian dictator Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan is also expected to be in attendance but has not officially confirmed, according to news reports. Many of those tyrants will conduct their own “Victory Day” celebrations on other dates so they can be in Red Square for Putin’s event.
Despite the reported attendance of UN boss Ban, a South Korean, the ruthless communist dictator enslaving North Korea will even be participating in Putin’s confab. In fact, the nuclear-armed murderous despot is even set to have an official meeting with Putin. “We’re ready for that, including individual bilateral talks with the Korean leader,” Putin aide Yuri Ushakov was quoted as telling journalists by Kremlin-run news sources after confirming Kim’s attendance.
The presence of so many communist autocrats for Russia’s celebration is hardly surprising. As The New American’s Christian Gomez reported about last year’s “Victory Day” celebrations, the parades and displays brazenly extolled communism. “In addition to the array of Soviet emblems, crests, communist red stars, and various hammer-and-sickle flags adorning the surrounding buildings at the Victory Day parade, Russian troops also marched to large red flags bearing the face of Vladimir Lenin (the principal architect and founder of the Soviet Union) with the letters CCCP (the Cyrillic acronym for USSR) below,” Gomez reported.
Despite in recent years having invited Russian terror troops and Communist Chinese forces to train with U.S. troops on U.S. soil for the first time in American history, and despite violating federal law to send U.S. tax dollars to the Kremlin’s military-industrial complex, the Obama administration will reportedly not be participating in Putin’s Victory Day festivities. Also reportedly declining invitations to attend were U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who also reportedly has a background in communist activities under the East German regime. In all, Russian state media reported that some 60 world “leaders” were invited. Slightly less than half have confirmed.
Of course, the victory of the brutal Soviet Union regime and its Western allies over the brutal National Socialist regime allowed Soviet despot Joseph Stalin, one of the most savage tyrants in human history, to enslave the peoples of Eastern Europe — all with firm U.S. government approval. In fact, the Soviet role in defeating the Nazis was due in large part to massive quantities of U.S. military aid to “Uncle Joe,” as the mass-murderer in Moscow was then marketed to the people of United States by their government. That support even included building up the Soviet military-industrial complex. The fruits of that alleged foreign policy “blunder,” of course, included millions more innocents murdered and enslaved, along with the eventual emergence of the Cold War.
With U.S.-funded UN leaders brazenly consorting with some of the world’s most brutal communist tyrants in Putin’s communist-themed “Victory Day” celebration, Americans have yet another reason, as if more were needed, to demand a full U.S. government withdrawal from the dictator-dominated global organization. Under the Reagan administration, the U.S. has already withdrawn from UNESCO once over its anti-American extremism. Now, Obama’s Education Secretary calls it a “global partner” of the administration in its “cradle-to-career” education reform machinations. It is past time to pull out of UNESCO and the entire planetary outfit once and for all.
Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, is normally based in Europe. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU. He can be reached at [email protected].
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