Twitter has again suspended Libs of TikTok’s (LOTT) account for not violating its rules, and LOTT has again threatened to sue the leftist platform if it doesn’t reinstate the popular account.
And again, LOTT went down because Chaya Raichik, the woman behind the 1.4 million-follower account, tweeted video of drag queens committing crimes against children.
The latest case involves video that shows state child-abuse and federal sex-trafficking felonies.
LOTT’s demand: Reinstate the account, or else.
The Video
As with LOTT’s previous suspension, Twitter moved because the video depicts the drag queens for what they are: perverts, sex fiends, and child groomers.
One video depicts a child’s hand touching a drag queen’s genitals. In another, a child hands a drag queen money.
LOTT’s tweeting of the videos and images and commenting on them was enough for Twitter to suspend the account.
“We do not need to rehash the lengthy arguments we raised in our September 1 letter regarding LOTT’s previous suspension,” Raichik’s attorney James Lawrence wrote. “Suffice it to say, once again, our client did not violate Twitter’s hateful conduct policy.”
He continued, “Twitter did not specify the content your company deemed to violate its hateful conduct policy,” and in the past “has confirmed to LOTT in writing that our client’s reporting did not violate Twitter’s Rules, including your company’s hateful conduct policy.”
Because of that, the latest suspension has “legal consequences,” Lawrence wrote:
At the very least, Twitter’s prior investigations are relevant for purposes of a breach of contract claim. Twitter’s speech code has not changed and neither has the nature of our client’s reporting. Moreover, the e-mails induce reasonable reliance by LOTT that it can tweet information like that cited above without fear of reprisal from your company.…
Many Americans are tired of listening to your company talk the talk of free expression while walking the walk of censorship. And LOTT is no exception. If Twitter refuses to live up to its own words and aspirations, and permanently bans our client’s account, LOTT will have no choice but to ask a court to order Twitter to live up its own statements. We reiterate our request that Twitter immediately reinstate the @LibsofTikTok account.
Raichik called the “7-day suspension … the result of a targeted harassment campaign from the Left to deplatform me.”
“Twitter claims I have violated their ‘hateful conduct policy,’ but like my last suspension, they have provided no explanation as to how I violated this policy,” she wrote:
Was it hateful to expose an all-ages drag show where a stripper performed in front of children? Was it hateful to expose a drag queen who allowed a small child to repeatedly rub their crotch?
Federal Felonies?
LOTT isn’t in trouble for violating Twitter’s hate speech rules, but instead for exposing sex crimes against children committed by a Twitter-protected fringe group: drag queens.
But given that money is exchanged at drag shows, the parents of the children and the drag queens might be charged not only in state court with sex crimes against children, but also with violating federal child sex-trafficking laws.
“It is a federal offense to knowingly recruit, entice, harbor, transport, provide, obtain, or maintain a minor (defined as someone under 18 years of age) knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that the victim is a minor and would be caused to engage in a commercial sex act,” federal law says.
The law then explains what a “commercial sex act” is:
“Commercial sex act” is defined very broadly to include “any sex act, on account of which anything of value is given to or received by any person.” In other words, it is illegal both to offer and to obtain a child, and cause that child to engage in any kind of sexual activity in exchange for anything of value, whether it be money, goods, personal benefit, in-kind favors, or some other kind of benefit. [Federal law] also makes it a crime for individuals to participate in a business venture that obtains minors and causes them to engage in commercial sex acts.
Parents are clearly transporting their kids to the shows. Drag queens are performing sex acts in exchange for money.
Nor must a parent or drag queen cross state or national borders to be charged with trafficking. And whether the adults used “force, threats of force, fraud, or coercion, or any combination of those means, to cause the minor to engage in a commercial sex act” is irrelevant.
Maybe when Traitor Joe Biden’s FBI stops arresting pro-lifers for defending their children against violent pro-abortion fanatics, it will find time to raid a drag queen show to stop child sex trafficking.