The import of The New York Times’s admission that Hunter Biden’s famous laptop is, in fact, Hunter Biden’s laptop, and that the emails found thereon are authentic, goes beyond the newspaper’s finally confessing the truth.
It means the Times and those who said the laptop and its contents were part of a Russian disinformation scheme to upend the Biden campaign were wrong. They even accused those who supported the laptop’s authenticity of willingly participating in the scheme because it was so obviously a Russian ploy.
And they were dead wrong. The question is whether Biden’s backers who participated in a disinformation scheme to squash the story and elect Biden knew the truth. If so, they weren’t torpedoes for Biden. They lied.
The Story
The latest trouble for Biden, his son, and now their media cheerleaders surfaced in the Times two days ago, as The New American reported.
The newspaper authenticated the laptop and its emails in a story about a federal probe into the Biden Boys’ shady dealings in Ukraine.
“People familiar with the investigation said prosecutors had examined emails” between Biden and others, the Times reported. “Those emails were obtained by The New York Times from a cache of files that appears to have come from a laptop abandoned by Mr. Biden in a Delaware repair shop. The email and others in the cache were authenticated by people familiar with them and with the investigation.”
The Times’s admission is significant for at least two reasons. First, it means President Biden and his handlers and Democrat troops flat-out lied when they said it was “Russian disinformation,” a narrative they pulled and fired like a machine gun.
Yet it also means Biden’s leftist media information ministry either lied as well, or refused to examine the story. After all, it might have been true.
Which one it was matters only if one believes the leftist media are honest.
Long List
Breitbart News assembled a long list of those who poo-pooed the laptop, its emails, and what those emails revealed: The scandalous if not illegal activities of the Biden Mafia in Ukraine and China.
“The Trump campaign claims Facebook is ‘censoring journalism’ because Facebook plans to limit the spread of the NY Post report,” MSNBC Kyle Griffin tweeted:
That is not censorship. Facebook is under no obligation to allow a disputed report that appears to contain disinformation to spread on their platform.
The Daily Beast’s Wajahat Ali:
Good. Russian disinformation meant to harm our democracy shouldn’t be given mainstream platforms
“Wikileaks were ‘hacked materials’ & part of a Russian disinformation campaign. It became egg on every media that ran breathlessly with it,” tweeted Heidi Przybla of NBC News.
Tweeted MSNBC’s contributor Ben Rhodes, a legman for Barack Obama:
The right to spread false Russian disinformation about American political leaders on social media platforms is not the hill I would choose to die on.
Neocon Max Boot of the Washington Post declared the laptop and emails “false.”
“The @nypost story about Hunter Biden is false — and quite possibly part of a Russian disinformation campaign,” he falsely tweeted. “The Ukrainian prosecutor wasn’t actually investigating Burisma. He was, in fact, complicit in corruption — which is why Biden demanded he be fired.”
No, they weren’t false. And yes, the Ukrainian prosecutor was investigating Burisma, which employed Hunter Biden and is the reason Vice President Joe Biden pushed Ukraine to fire him.
Leftist Mother Jones was unequivocal as well. “Giuliani and the New York Post are pushing Russian disinformation,” the publication tweeted. “It’s a big test for the media.”
It was a big test for the media, which CNN, the “most trusted name in news,” miserably failed, as Glenn Greenwald noted.
“We do know that it’s a very active Russian campaign, and that’s according to the U.S. intelligence community,” Wolf Blitzer said.
Speaking of CNN, recall that Project Veritas recorded a conversation among CNN big wigs in which they simply decided to kill the story.
“Obviously, we’re not going with the New York Post story right now on Hunter Biden, which seems to be giving its marching orders to Fox News and the right-wing echo chamber about what to talk about today,” political director David Chalian said.
As for Times, it carefully avoided labeling the laptop and contents “Russian disinformation,” but Times leftist Michelle Goldberg did not:
So far, the Hunter Biden laptop affair is a farcical retread of the Russian hack-and-leak operation that helped torpedo Hillary Clinton’s presidential aspirations in 2016. Now, as then, the Trump campaign appears to be hoping that the media will dribble out stolen private messages over the final weeks of the campaign, creating an illusion of scandal where none exists. And now, as then, someone in Trump’s inner circle is working directly with someone who is, at least according to the U.S. government, a Russian agent.
There’s more, but you get the idea.
Those who knew the laptop was real and the emails authentic, not least those accused of spreading “Russian disinformation,” await the leftist media’s corrections.
And their apologies.