The Beginning of the End of Trans Lies? “60 Minutes” Tackles Big Gender
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

With pseudo-elite cultural winds at its back and its opponents censored, Big Gender had enjoyed years without any high-profile questioning of its agenda. But this changed Sunday evening when TV’s oldest newsmagazine, 60 Minutes, focused on stories illustrating the medical malpractice euphemistically known as “gender transitioning.”

The program featured four young adults who, with very little medical evaluation, were allowed to “transition,” a process that included removal of their sex organs. They later regretted their decisions and became what are incorrectly known as “de-transitioners” (you can’t “de-transition” because you can’t “transition” to being the opposite sex in the first place). Tragically, though, the mutilation they endured is, largely, irreparable.

It wasn’t always like this. Just about a decade ago, the disorder “gender dysphoria” — in layman’s terms, the sense that you’re stuck in the wrong sex’s body — was little known beyond psychological circles. However, “if you’ve got children in school, you know how common that disorder has become,” noted Fox News host Tucker Carlson last night. In fact, it has now been made fashionable, as Carlson explained:

In some places, a third of the girls in a given class identify as a gender other than the one on their birth certificates. Most of them don’t mean it. Five years from now, they’ll have moved on. They’re going through what we used to call “a phase.” But for an increasingly large number of children, that phase will not end. Therapists will steer those kids to doctors, who will almost immediately give them powerful sex hormones, whose long-term effects we can’t know. In some cases, those kids will then be referred to surgeons, who will mutilate or remove their sex organs permanently. 

What the average child and parent don’t hear, though, are the frightful stories of those seduced down the rabbit hole of MUSS (Made-up Sexual Status) mutilation. But 60 Minutes anchor Leslie Stahl brought some of them to light. She interviewed, for example, a woman named Grace Lindinsky-Smith, who described what happened when she visited a doctor to address her disorder (as presented by Carlson): 

GRACE LIDINSKY-SMITH: She didn’t really go into what my gender dysphoria might’ve been stemming from. We only did a few sessions… They asked me, “So, why do you wanna go on testosterone?” And I said, “Well, being a woman just isn’t working for me anymore.” And they said, “Okay.”

LESLEY STAHL: So, that was that. You got your prescription for testosterone? 


“‘Being a woman just isn’t working for me anymore,’ OK,” Carlson repeated for effect. “Here are some life-altering drugs. That’s all it took. And it kept going.” The host then presented the rest of the 60 Minutes clip:

LESLEY STAHL: Just four months after she started testosterone, she says she was approved for a mastectomy, what’s called top surgery, that she told us was traumatic. 

GRACE LIDINSKY-SMITH: I started to have a really disturbing sense that like a part of my body was missing, almost a ghost limb feeling about being like, there’s something that should be there. And the feeling really surprised me but it was really hard to deny. 

LESLEY STAHL: And so she detransitioned by going off testosterone and then went back to the clinic and, she says, complained to the doctor that the process didn’t follow the WPATH guidelines. 

GRACE LIDINSKY-SMITH: I can’t believe that I transitioned and detransitioned, including hormones and surgery, in the course of, like, less than one year. It’s completely crazy.

Carlson correctly pointed out that not only is it crazy, but unethical (video below). In fact, it’s gross malpractice.

Stahl also interviewed a young man named Garrett, who was given female hormones after just two doctor’s visits. He then was castrated after only three months on them — despite current guidelines’ requirement that they be used continuously for a year. Garrett became suicidal.

This is nothing new, however. In 2014, I reported on MUSS mutilation cases in “The Transgender Con? Many “Transgender” People Regret Switch.” I also related the stories of then-teen Nathaniel, who in 2019 called his MUSS mutilation a “Frankenstein” procedure; and Keira Bell, who last year was suing the clinic that enabled her “transition” at age 16.

Then there’s a man named Billy Burleigh, a MUSS mutilation victim Carlson interviewed last night (video below).

And if that’s not shocking enough, consider that Joe Biden (despite total ignorance on the matter) suggested last year that it was okay for eight-year-olds to “transition.”

This is especially tragic considering that upwards of 80 percent of gender-dysphoric girls and more than 90 percent of gender-dysphoric boys will naturally return to normalcy during adolescence if there’s no intervention.

Moreover, Carlson pointed out that even the Obama administration, after conducting a 2016 study, admitted it could find no positive health benefits derived from MUSS treatments. What’s more, such treatments appear psychologically detrimental. As Carlson also mentioned, researchers in Sweden found that MUSS mutilation increased suicide risk by 19 percent and psychiatric hospitalization risk by 300 percent.

Unmentioned here, however, is that these bad outcomes are unsurprising because the MUSS agenda is wholly unscientific. In fact, the “gender dysphoria” diagnosis, while used to justify a biological “fix,” is made wholly based on psychological phenomena: feelings. It’s no different from a doctor cutting open your chest and performing a bypass solely based on your feeling that you have heart disease.  

But the quack physicians aren’t alone in being villains in this story. Consider Big Tech. All the young interviewees “tell us they learned about transitioning on the Internet,” Stahl related. There, as Carlson put it, they were subjected to a “daily barrage of propaganda … made possible by Google and Facebook. That propaganda has a very specific effect, as intended.”

In other words, if Big Tech hadn’t been censoring information challenging the MUSS agenda — such as various New American articles — the now-mutilated young people might have found that information and maybe, just perhaps, a few of them would’ve been saved. Lies have consequences, and liars are not inconsequential.

Speaking of which, 60 Minutes and Stahl are still kowtowing to Big Gender. “We were concerned that the groups that oppose transgender people might try to weaponize our story,” said the anchor in a short apologia video (below) addressing her story.  

In reality, this isn’t a matter of opposing “transgender people” but MUSS activists, who themselves are opposing Truth and children’s best interests. So 60 Minutes is still part of the problem.

This said, Stahl’s report was a welcome and rare baby step by a mainstream media that generally march in lockstep with Big Gender.