FEAR is why People Obey Democrats so More Fear is on the Way
Liberals and their media are up to it again. They want to bring back covid restrictions, and their only way is through fear. But if...
Brave Dr. Says “No,” He Will Not Stop Using Ivermectin to Treat COVID.
The suppression of effective, tested treatments for COVID-19 and the government-backed promulgation of ineffective, untested vaccinations to combat the virus show that the...
Read moreFOIA Shows The Government Bribed OB-GYNs to Push Poisonous Covid Shot
The FOIA also revealed HHS Paid OB-GYNs to fake covid cases in order to drive the numbers up. Watch the video for more....
Read moreDr. Robert Malone: Puppet Masters of the Pandemic. Part 2: How the CIA and Global Socialist Oligarchy Are Building the “New Normal”
Both insiders and keen outside observers regard the CIA as the most powerful organization in the world, if not in the history of...
Read moreDr. Robert Malone: Puppet Masters of the Pandemic. Part 1: What Did the CIA Do in Wuhan?
The CIA is ostensibly the only organization in the world capable of shaping and coordinating the agenda of global affairs. The Covid pandemic...
Read moreEhden Biber: Psychological Priming for Climate Change Lockdowns
In July, Israel shut down major trekking areas, arguing the temperatures were too “extreme” to use the trails. The unprecedented decision was as...
Read moreLiberal Doctor Finally Admits the Vax Causes Myocarditis
The left is acting like they are just discovering that the vax may have harmed people. Don’t let them pretend they didn’t know,...
Read moreDr. Robert Malone Gives Confidential Information That Our CIA Was Behind Covid-19!
Dr. Malone, “once upon a time, I believed we were the good guys”. An amazing conversation about the CIA and the Deep State between...
Read moreAthletes and Celebrities Seem to be Injured by the Vaccine, but the Media Hides
Why are athletes and celebrities collapsing like never before? Perfectly healthy people are having strokes and heart attacks all the time since the...
Read moreBronny James, 18, Suffers Cardiac Arrest During Practice
Twitter users promptly pointed to the elephant in the room: Covid vaccines, known to be connected with myocarditis and pericarditis, were the most...
Read moreStudy Shows a Skyrocket in Strokes for Vaccinated if They Got Sick!
Studies continue to prove how dangerous the COVID jab is. Dr. Peter McCullough discusses a major study that showed many people died of a...
600,000 excess deaths per year? Vaccinated have 49% higher mortality for people under 50? Autopsy review shows 74% of deaths were from the...
Read moreDeanna McLeod: Death of Informed Consent in Canada
Corporate colonization of Canadian healthcare has transformed personalized care into collective care, undermined the relations between physicians and their patients, and led to...
Read moreHealthcare Workers Defamed, Bullied, and Fired Tell Their Story
Remember when the left acted like they cared about healthcare workers during COVID-19? As soon as those workers wouldn’t bow knee and submit...
Read moreUN Targets Religions That Don’t Bow to LGBTQ Ideology
Last week, a UN-certified “expert” on sexual perversions put together a report that calls on governments to threaten and punish religious leaders and...
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