The federal government’s enabling of the migration crisis, which constitutes nothing short of an invasion of the United States, places the country in uncharted territory.
That the government itself could not only abdicate its responsibility, but actually promote an invasion, is a reality so unprecedented and mind-boggling that detractors of the Biden regime have found themselves almost paralyzed, uncertain how to respond other than with vocal and vehement criticism.
But while censure has its place, we are, unfortunately, confronted by an administration that simply is unfazed by criticism from the Right. We can make the most eloquent arguments and present the most factual data — but it will all be to no avail.
Shielded by the support of the mainstream media and a Democratic majority (albeit a thin one) in the Senate, the White House feels itself immune to any punitive action Republicans might threaten.
In short, the federal government under the administration of those presently in power is not going to pull a 180 on the migration question. No amount of repudiation will make them change their minds. Joe Biden and his allies will do nothing to stop the invasion at the border.
It is important to emphasize this, because only by drilling this reality deep into the psyche of the nation’s Republicans will they at last step into the new paradigm this moment in history calls for.
When it comes to migration and border policy, the GOP has largely been stuck in a rut of pointing the finger and hysterically yelling at the federal government for dereliction of duty.
While the accusation is not wrong, it ultimately is futile.
Republicans have to understand: The federal government is not going to do anything. If state governments do not take the initiative on migration, no one will. So the only remaining question for elected officials in Republican states is: What are you going to do about it?
Again, this requires a major shift in the political and cultural mindset. Immigration has traditionally been a federal issue. After all, the Constitution states that the federal government has the obligation to protect the states against invasion.
But remember — in America, the states are sovereign. All powers possessed by the federal government rightfully belong to the states and are merely delegated to D.C. So if Washington flat-out refuses to follow through with its duty to repel an invasion, the states have not only the right, but the obligation to protect their territorial sovereignty.
This reality must be repeated until every state and local Republican official in the country gets it. Far too many Republicans at the state level, when asked about the immigration issue, instinctively shrug their shoulders and deflect with the phrase, “It’s a federal issue.”
That is no longer good enough. Passing the buck is not a solution. Waiting on Washington is not a solution. Hoping and praying someone else does something is not a solution.
State policymakers must shake off the inertia into which they’ve fallen and see that we are not living in the same America they grew up in, when the federal government could reliably be counted on to fulfill its duties. The current regime is a criminal one that seeks to destroy the country, not better it. A combative and proactive mindset is needed to face the great issues of the day.
Under Gov. Ron DeSantis, Florida is one state where lawmakers are beginning to realize they have to take matters into their own hands. DeSantis recently signed into law legislation which will crack down on illegal migration within the Sunshine State’s borders.
As News4Jax reports:
DeSantis believes that President Biden hasn’t responded appropriately on the federal level to address immigration concerns, so he has SB 1718 on the state level.
Beginning July first, the new law will:
- Require business owners to […] check employee work eligibility
- Suspend employer licenses for unqualified workers
- Human smuggling penalties enhanced
- Bans local governments from issuing identification cards
- Requires hospitals to collect data on immigrants without legal status
That’s a good start, but there are additional actions states must take that are crucial to preventing the country from being wiped out from the mass wave of migrants at the border.
First, border states must complete the wall. In this, they should get funding support from every state they can — obviously it will be red states that will be on board. We know the federal government is not going to get around to completing the wall. Stop waiting for them to do so.
Second, red states should send National Guard and other personnel to assist in securing the border.
Third, states must reject the federal government’s lenient asylum policies and enact their own deportation program, as well as refuse to recognize the legal status granted by the Biden regime to illegal aliens.
Fourth, every red state must adopt laws similar to Florida’s recent legislation in order to dissuade illegal aliens from settling there. Legislation banning illegal aliens from accessing education, welfare, and housing is also needed.
In short, states should stop hoping that someone else will save them. Future generations will look to them as the ones that either saved the Republic or failed when it really mattered.