The Satanic Temple of Illinois, a group that claims to promote egalitarianism, social justice, and the separation of church and state, has placed a display featuring the infant form of the occult deity Baphomet in the Illinois State Capitol Building. The display stands next to the more traditional Christian nativity scene and Jewish Menorah in the building’s rotunda.
At the dedication of the display, approximately 20 members of the Satanic Temple gathered to celebrate, while a group of Catholic parishioners protested nearby holding up signs that read “Satan has no rights” and “Mary crushes the serpent.”
Baphomet is a pagan deity often associated with the Knights Templar, who back in the middle ages were accused of sins such as homosexuality, urinating or spitting on the cross, and sodomy. Baphomet is depicted as goat-like and hermaphroditic being, having both male and female reproductive organs.
Statues of the pagan symbol have been erected in recent years by anti-Christian groups as a protest against Judeo-Christian values. One infamous example — a 3,000-pound bronze statue of Baphomet standing with two children — is located in Springfield, Massachusetts.
This is the third consecutive year that the Satanic Temple of Illinois has placed such a display in the State Capitol.
It’s simply a matter of religious freedom according to one of the cult’s leaders, known as Minister Adam.
“The Capitol welcomes a diverse range of religions every year to display holiday statues during the holiday season, so we wanted to join in on that,” Minister Adam told WICS television.
“The state has been easy to work with,” the “minister” said.
“Many religions present symbols of their faith at the Capitol. Rather than view these as competing displays, we want the community to appreciate the rich diverse tapestry of beliefs and cultures,” said Erin Helian of the Satanic Temple in a statement.
The State of Illinois apparently agrees.
“The State of Illinois is required by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution to allow temporary, public display in the state capitol so long as these displays are not paid for by taxpayer dollars,” reads a sign adjacent to the displays. “Because the first floor of the Capitol rotunda is a public place, state officials cannot legally censor the content of speech or displays. The United States Supreme Court has held that public officials may legally impose reasonable time, place and manner restrictions regarding displays and speech, but no regulation can be based on the content of the speech.”
Republican gubernatorial candidate Darren Bailey and his wife Cindy gathered at the State Capitol with other “prayer warriors” to pray for Illinois and to protest the display.
“Their evil, satanic display of the “Baby Baphomet” meant to mock the millions of Christians in Illinois is vile and has no place in our State Capitol,” Bailey said in a Facebook post. “I am calling on my colleagues and every elected official in Springfield to stand up and demand this evil mockery of faith not be allowed in our Capitol.”