There’s much talk about whom the 2024 Republican presidential nominee should be. Would Donald Trump pass voter muster? Florida governor Ron DeSantis? Someone else? Who can win?
The answer is, well, no one — according to a new report.
That is, unless Republicans radically change how they approach swing-state politics. This is for a simple reason, avers Jay Valentine, a fractal-technology expert with electoral integrity entity Project Omega:
Maintaining the status quo ensures that the swing states in 2024 will swing only one way — toward vote fraud.
In an American Thinker piece titled “Why Kari Lake Couldn’t Close the Deal,” Valentine states that Arizona’s stolen 2022 election is both a reflection of the 2020 debacle and a template for a 2024 steal. Lake, who’s intrepidly still challenging the results, just lost in court again for largely the same reason famed Roman statesman Marcus Tullius Cicero did 2,000 years ago. As the Roman’s mentor, Scaevola, explained to the befuddled young Cicero, “Of what use are records presented to tribunes, consuls, or senators if the government is determined to rob and destroy a man who had displeased them, or who possesses what they want?”
Valentine maintains that the evidence of ballot signature mismatches Lake produced in court proves that her gubernatorial election was stolen via signature verification’s omission. But it doesn’t matter. No amount of evidence would be sufficient to sway the judges who’ve thus far dismissed her cases, says Valentine.
Lake is doing God’s work; she’s doing the job the GOPe won’t do, and she has vowed to take her case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court (where, hopefully, justice would be done). Meanwhile, the establishment mocks her as a nut, a conspiracy theorist who can’t accept that she was a wanting candidate. The truth is quite the opposite:
The prevaricating politicos pulled out all the stops to defeat Lake precisely because they know she’s a spectacular candidate who threatens their status quo, says Valentine. She’s physically attractive, charismatic, highly intelligent, dignified, and über-articulate; she regularly spanks the media with aplomb; and her message resonates with voters.
Valentine further avers that Lake’s team demonstrated in court that Arizona officials altered printer settings, mainly in GOP areas, to ensure printer malfunction. He says that, moreover, the nonexistent signature-verification process allowed the counting of several hundred thousand suspect ballots.
Valentine mentions as well that his team formulated Lake’s expert witness report and showed that officials manipulated voter rolls mere days before the election, “as in 22,000 new voters and 107,000 changes to the rolls, and thousands of address changes,” he writes. Note: Lake “lost” by only 17,000 votes.
Yet Valentine does fault Lake, and the mainstream GOP, for something: not accepting reality.
The most fundamental problem, he insists, is not ballot harvesting, signature verification’s lack, last-minute voter-base manipulation, multitudinous phantom voters, allowing third parties to access the cast-ballot voter list so they can cast ballots for those who didn’t vote, or postal employees collecting loose ballots for left-wing groups (or, I’ll add, discarding ballots from heavily Republican areas).
The real problem, says Valentine, is that leftists control swing-state elections lock, stock, and barrel and possess a plenitude of tools to ensure they can steal elections by a thousand criminal cuts.
Lake’s, and Trump’s, response — advocating what’s essentially ballot harvesting — has the Left jumping for joy. Not only won’t they beat leftists at their own game, but, states Valentine, Democrats have a multitude of other ways to steal votes, ways Lake and Trump don’t even grasp.
But Valentine, who led the team that built the eBay fraud engine and the Undeliverable Ballot Database, says he has a solution: real-time computer analysis. He writes:
How about real-time, or close to it, snapshots of state voter rolls — especially around election time — to stop 33,000 ZIP codes from being changed the week mail-in ballots are sent out, then changed back? Time series voter roll analysis exposes any change to a voter roll, which is later hidden when that change is reversed.
How about testing, real time, to stop 41,400 inactive voters from being changed to active, voted, then changed back again?
How about comparing the election rolls to the property tax rolls to make sure people residing in a vacant lot are flagged? In Arizona, it’s cool for someone to claim a street corner as his address — many thanks to years of RINO leadership. How does the guy living on the street corner get a mail-in ballot? It’s not as if there is mail delivery to that tent on the corner in Phoenix.
We’re not done.
What about the real-time access to state election systems to count cast ballots illegally given to leftist organizations so they know exactly how many ballots they need to win — by just a little?
What about tens of thousands of hidden secondary voter IDs, invisible to voters, electronically moved to counties where they are voted, then moved back? They didn’t vote; clever leftists took care of that civic duty for them.
How about the “contribution mules” making thousands of small donations, and when an intrepid reporter knocks on their door, they are amazed — since they didn’t make the donations? Anyone checking for that?
Valentine says that he offered the Arizona election integrity team his group’s real-time-analysis (RTA) services for free seven times.
They declined.
Lake, Trump, and the Republican National Committee are wedded to 1970s technology, he says, which is inadequate to the task of thwarting leftists’ cutting-edge, multilayered vote-fraud methods.
Valentine also states that his team’s report found that if RTA had been employed during the Arizona gubernatorial race, “Lake could have stopped the thousands of voter roll manipulations made days before the election.” Again, she “lost” by just 17,000 votes.
“Real-time visibility is disruptive,” Valentine explains. “It disrupts the bad guys because they can no longer hide in latent, wildly inaccurate databases like those in Arizona. Everything they do, down to changing a comma, is immediately visible.”
Yet it’s also disruptive to set-in-their-ways establishment Republicans; it’s disruptive as well to the 1970s-technology computer experts who make money being under contract to them.
Note here that people — even, sometimes, generals during war — are often reluctant to embrace new technology. This is where man’s natural conservative instincts (that is, a tendency toward the status quo) can be detrimental.
The result of this misplaced technology conservatism is that even MAGA Republicans are stuck playing musical court cases and ballot-harvesting schemes. It’s like insisting on taking the blue pill and fighting the Left within their Matrix; the red-pill route is to “out-compute them, stop their fraud apparatus in flight,” as Valentine puts it. And, he says, his team can do just that.
Whatever the case, something different had better be done — fast. For you can run whomever you want for office, but if the other side runs the whole electoral game and is running a game, they’re going to end up running (and ruining) the country.