The Kate Dalley Show

Diving into diverse topics, fearlessly exposing government activities without the constraints of political correctness.
Stay faithful and fearless with “The Kate Dalley Show.” At a time when our country craves truth and logic, Kate delves into diverse topics, fearlessly exposing government activities without the constraints of political correctness. For 12 years, she’s brought national and global guests to her airwaves, engaging in thought-provoking discussions. Kate’s impressive list of interviewees includes Dr. Ben Carson, Senator Rand Paul, Lew Rockwell, Dinesh D’Souza, history making physicist Dr. Freeman Dyson, and many more. She is a woman of strong convictions, a firm believer in the importance of fatherhood, and a fierce advocate for the Constitution. New Show Every Weekday Available for Satellite at 8:00pm (ET) Also Available by Download

Educate! with Liz Collin

Take a dive deep into the central issues affecting education.
Take a dive deep into the central issues affecting education. Step into the world of “Educate!” where we dive deep into the central issues affecting education. Join us for intellectually stimulating and entertaining conversations with accomplished guests who bring not just criticism but also positive solutions for reforming public schools and exploring alternative options. We also examine what effective education means through the lens of classical educational values. Meet your host: Liz Collin, an award-winning investigative journalist who has upheld the truth in reporting consistently for two decades. New Show Every Week Available for Satellite at 1:00pm (ET), Saturdays Also Available by Download

The New American Weekly with Kate Dalley

A weekly wrap-up of news and analysis, rooted in Constitutional and pro-American values.
A weekly wrap-up of news and analysis, rooted in Constitutional and pro-American values. In an era where trust in mainstream media has waned, The New American Weekly is a trusted source for news and analysis, rooted in Constitutional and pro-American values. As the official weekly wrap-up news show of The New American magazine, we leverage The New American’s unique history of successfully predicting trends and outcomes in American and global events for over three decades. Your host, Kate Dalley, hails from Mission Viejo, California, and has made Southern Utah her home for the past 27 years. An entrepreneur, speaker, writer, mother, and wife, Kate is unafraid to share her opinions, her love for God, and her passion for the Constitution. She strives to change hearts and minds through education and inspiration, emphasizing the importance of fatherhood and the preservation of this great country. New Show Every Week Available for Satellite Friday at Midnight Also Available by Download