Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) introduced a bill to abolish the United States Agency for International Development, or USAID. The reason, he says, is because it’s a taxpayer-funded “slush fund for international wokeism.” 

Today we also take a closer look at special counsel Jack Smith, the man behind the Donald Trump indictment; and report on the first U.S. nuclear power plant completed in 30 years. 

In the second part of the show, we play a segment from Veronkia Kyrylenko’s interview with Dr. Robert Malone, “Puppet Masters of the Pandemic. Part 1: What Did the CIA Do in Wuhan?” 


Watch Dr. Robert Malone’s interviews:

Dr. Robert Malone: Puppet Masters of the Pandemic. Part 1: What Did the CIA Do in Wuhan?

Dr. Robert Malone: Puppet Masters of the Pandemic. Part 2: How the CIA and Global Socialist Oligarchy Are Building the “New Normal”

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