Exercising The Right

Kamala Is a Gun-grabber

On August 11, Joe Biden picked Senator Kamala Harris to be his running mate for the 2020 presidential election, and the mainstream media quickly went to work downplaying Harris’ left-wing views. 

However, David Harsanyi, writing at National Review on August 17, warned readers that Kamala Harris is a particular threat to Second Amendment-protected rights despite the media’s best efforts to whitewash her past positions. Harris has stated on more than one occasion that she wants to institute a “gun buyback” program to get AR-15s “off the streets.” She said at a March for Our Lives anti-gun rally in October 2019, “We have to have a buyback program, and I support a mandatory gun buyback program. It’s got to be smart. We’ve got to do it the right way, but there are five million [assault weapons] at least, some estimate as many as 10 million, and we’re going to have to have smart public policy that’s about taking those off the streets but doing it the right way.” You’ll note that Harris here talks about “gun buybacks” instead of “gun confiscation,” because “buyback” doesn’t sound as tyrannical, but she’s just attempting to obfuscate her true intentions.

Harsanyi wrote, “Here’s a fact check: Police would almost certainly be sent to homes of Americans to take guns if a ‘mandatory buyback’ program were instituted. AR-15s aren’t ‘on the streets.’ They are hardly ever used in crimes at all. The vast majority of AR-15s are in homes — somewhere around 15-20 million of them, depending on what arbitrary designation Democrats use to define ‘assault weapon.’… The police, incidentally, are already coming to people’s doors in California, where the state’s evolving restrictions on gun ownership are impossible for citizens keep up with even when they make a good-faith effort. These are the restrictions Harris would like to implement nationally. By implement, I mean compel. A ‘mandatory buyback’ would mean the police coming to plenty of doors, because in the United States there will almost certainly be a great pushback against such authoritarianism, even if Harris could get away with it. Once the state is permitted to ban guns over their aesthetics — since AR-15s share the mechanics of many other firearms — it will almost certainly be empowered to ban any semi-automatic gun. This is the ultimate goal of these incremental efforts to inhibit and eliminate gun ownership.”

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