Exercising the Right
World War II Vet Stops Intruder
The CBS affiliate out of Los Angeles reported on February 1 about an axe-wielding intruder who met his match. The incident happened in San Jacinto, where a 92-year-old burglary victim was home alone when he heard a loud banging noise. Joe Milspa, a World War II veteran, immediately retrieved his handgun and went to investigate. As he approached the door, Milspa saw the glass window surrounding his front door shatter. Milspa then saw a man armed with an axe try to enter the house through a broken window. Sergeant Craig McDonald, of the San Jacinto Police Department, told CBSLA.com, “He [Milspa] suddenly saw an exterior glass window of the home shatter, followed by the suspect attempting to crawl into his home through the window.”
Milspa did not let his advanced age slow him down, and he immediately fired his gun at the burglar. “I could have shot him right in the head between the eyes. But I didn’t want to do that. I would have been in trouble,” Milspa told CBSLA.com. The shot missed, but the burglar was scared off and ran from the scene. Milspa worked for the Los Angeles Police Department for decades and said he regularly goes to the shooting range to keep his shooting skills sharp. Authorities are still searching for the man who broke in to the house.
Bloody Mug Shot
The New York Daily News reported on February 17 about what they described as “a Las Vegas man … giving a whole new meaning to mug ‘shot.’” Forty-year-old Alexander Gonzales was allegedly attempting to burglarize a house in Las Vegas and was crawling through a doggie door to enter the house when he was shot in the face by the homeowner.
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