Narrative: Border Agents Use Whips. Goal: More Democrat Voters
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Narrative: Border Agents Use Whips. Goal: More Democrat Voters

R. Cort Kirkwood
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

One of the great wonders of our whiz-bang tech world is social media; important news reaches billions within seconds. One of the not-so-great wonders is also social media; a falsehood reaches billions within seconds. Need a bulletin about a missing child to go nationwide in seconds? Forget the milk carton. Tweet it. Need a nonsense narrative about mounted Border Agents using whips to round up illegal aliens? Forget calling the New York Times. Tweet it. 

Social media has breathed new life into an old saw from Jonathan Swift: “Falsehood flies, and the Truth comes limping after it.” As fast as the narrative that galloping federal marauders cracked whips at Haitian illegals at the border with Mexico on September 20 spread, people interested in the truth proved the narrative was false. But as Swift said, the truth finished last.

Border agents did not whip the illegals. What lying radical leftists said were whips were reins. Nor did they use the reins as whips, as some claimed and enhanced photos showed.

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