Is Obama Impeachable?

Is Obama Impeachable?

While there is no doubt that President Obama has done a host of unconstitutional deeds, there is great doubt that Congress will impeach him. ...
Jack Kenny
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The word is in the dictionary and even in the Constitution, but some are reluctant to speak it in respectable circles — or even in Congress. At a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee in December, Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) called it “the word we don’t like to use in this committee, and I’m not about to utter it here in this particular hearing.” Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-Texas) called impeachment the “I-word,” adding, “which I don’t think would get past the Senate in the current climate.”

The object of the representatives’ disaffection, the one against whom they would like to invoke the “I-word,” is President Barack Obama. The Obama administration’s offenses that various Republicans have at one time or another called impeachable include leaving virtually unprotected the diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya, where the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans were killed in the terrorist attack of September 11, 2012; conducting an air war against Libya without congressional authorization in 2011; the “Fast and Furious” sale of arms to drug cartels in Mexico; the targeting of conservative groups by the Internal Revenue Service for investigations into their tax status; making “recess appointments” while the Senate was in session; suspending enforcement of provisions of the nation’s immigration laws; and bypassing Congress by amending provisions of the Affordable Care Act — his signature “ObamaCare” health insurance reform — by executive order. Obama’s declared readiness to enact through executive order measures that Congress won’t pass prompted Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas) to walk out during the president’s nationally televised State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress.

“I could not bear to watch as he continued to cross the clearly defined boundaries of the constitutional separation of powers,” Stockman said in a statement he issued following the president’s speech. “Obama defiantly vowed not only to radically expand the reach of government from cradle to grave, but to smash the Constitution’s restrictions on government power while doing it,” Stockman said, charging that the president’s goal is nothing less than “to eliminate our constitutional republic.” The Texas Republican has arranged for all 435 members of Congress to receive Impeachable Offenses: The Case for Removing Barack Obama From Office by Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott, donated by the publisher, WND Books (see review on pg. 31). Klein has described the book as “the first draft of articles of impeachment.”

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