Deep State
Dueling Investigations: Huge Consequences at Stake

Dueling Investigations: Huge Consequences at Stake

It’s Mueller, DOJ-FBI, Democrats, and media vs. Trump and GOP congressional supporters — as the inspector general’s report pulls punches and dodges obvious conclusions. ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

As Special Counsel Robert Mueller presses aggressively forward with his Trump-Russia investigation, which President Donald Trump has repeatedly denounced as a “witch hunt,” House and Senate investigations are intensifying their own probes of the FBI and Department of Justice. Republican leaders of House and Senate committees have threatened to use all the tools at their disposal — subpoena powers, contempt citations, and impeachment — against DOJ and FBI officials who have been stonewalling congressional demands for documents related to (among other things) the Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal and illegal FBI spying on Donald Trump and his campaign team.

Even before he officially took over the Oval Office, President-elect Donald Trump was facing unprecedented opposition from within the federal bureaucracy and from “the powers that be” beyond anything ever experienced by any of his White House predecessors. Never before had we witnessed an election — and then the inauguration of a new administration — in which the heads and former heads of the FBI, CIA, and NSA have publicly taken partisan sides and have attempted to unseat a constitutionally elected president of the United States. In addition to former CIA chief John Brennan, former NSA chief James Clapper, former FBI chief James Comey, and former CIA chief Michael Hayden, dozens more of their Deep State minions have joined the viciously anti-Trump Big Media chorus in nonstop attacks against the president. Why? Because he had pledged to drain the fetid, bipartisan, globalist swamp they were trying feverishly to guard and preserve.

President Trump has found himself in the uniquely unenviable situation where he not only is battling the left-wing media and obstructionist Democrats in Congress, but also is having to deal with a mysteriously uncooperative attorney general of his own choosing (Jeff Sessions), a devious and hostile deputy attorney general (Rod Rosenstein), and a bevy of obstructionist Republicans in Congress.

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