Book Review
Deep Dive Into the Deep State

Deep Dive Into the Deep State

Though many Americans now acknowledge that there is indeed a Deep State controlling U.S. policy, they still don’t recognize its driving force. ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

In the Shadows of the Deep State: A Century of Council on Foreign Relations Scheming for World Government, by Arthur R. Thompson, Appleton, Wisconsin: Western Islands, 2018, 364 pages, softcover.

Yes, Virginia, there is indeed a Deep State. The orchestrated chaos surrounding the 2016 presidential campaign and the unprecedented, all-out effort of the entire American establishment — media, politicians (of both parties), Wall Street, Hollywood, academia, federal bureaucracy, intelligence agency heads — to enthrone Hillary Clinton and defeat Donald Trump awakened millions of Americans to this fact. The ongoing, relentless, treasonous campaign by the same forces to defame, harass, hamstring, impede, prosecute, and impeach a duly-elected President Trump has confirmed this fact to additional millions. Yes, there is a Deep State, a shadowy cabal of insiders who, for decades, have been operating as the de facto government of the United States, regardless of whether Republicans or Democrats are in power.

The past two years have brought forth a deluge of books, articles, and YouTube videos on the subject, dramatically increasing public awareness of the coordinated forces operating behind the scenes to topple the president and subvert our constitutional order. Unfortunately, many of these efforts, even while providing useful information, suffer from defects. Perhaps the most common defect is to identify the “Deep State” or “the Swamp” with former presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, and desperately wannabe-president Hillary Clinton. For many of these analysts, the Deep State is a partisan thing, a creature of the Clintons, Obama, and the Democrats. Other Deep State critics hit a bit closer to the mark, citing the entrenched power of Wall Street bankers, George Soros, and the military-intelligence-industrial complex. Others strike even closer, pointing out that it is organ­ized “globalists,” the “internationalists,” who are furiously attacking Trump.

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