Clinton’s E-mail Evasions
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Clinton’s E-mail Evasions

Under U.S. law, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had to keep communications secure. But she didn’t. And she has been caught numerous times lying about her actions. ...
C. Mitchell Shaw
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

When President Obama appointed Hillary Clinton as secretary of state, Clinton decided not to use an official government e-mail address hosted on an official government server. She elected instead to use a private e-mail server for handling both her private e-mails and those of the State Department. She used that private server throughout her tenure as secretary of state. Her alleged reason: convenience. Secretary Clinton supposedly made a conscious decision to place her own personal convenience above the security of the nation she was supposed to be serving. While that is not really surprising, it is — and ought to be — shocking.

In the wake of the Benghazi attacks on September 11, 2012, investigations were launched into whether the attacks could have been prevented — or at least repelled — and whether the Obama administration, including the State Department, had attempted a coverup. It was during those investigations that Hillary’s use of a private e-mail server first came to light.

While Hillary has downplayed both her actions and the investigation focused on her server, the FBI seems to be taking it seriously. In fact, though such cases are customarily handled by one of the many field offices around the country, the Clinton case is being handled out of the Hoover Building. It is highly unusual for a case such as this to handled at FBI headquarters, but then again, this is an unusual case. The New York Times reported, “Given this inquiry’s importance, senior F.B.I. officials have opted to keep it closely held in Washington in the agency’s counterintelligence section, which investigates how national security secrets are handled.”

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