Deep State
Clinton, Deep State Won; American Justice Lost
AP Images
Sus man: Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, a consummate D.C. insider, was one of the prime sources of false information peddled to the media from the infamous Steele Dossier manufactured by Fusion GPS. And as befits a D.C. insider, Sussmann was acquitted of his crimes by a D.C. jury.

Clinton, Deep State Won; American Justice Lost

While the Durham Report shed light on the shadowy operations of the FBI, the acquittals of Michael Sussmann and Igor Danchenko are a victory for the Clintons and the Deep State. ...
R. Cort Kirkwood
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Special Counsel John Durham’s report on the FBI’s ill-conceived Crossfire Hurricane probe presents a nearly ironclad case that the bureau collaborated, even if inadvertently, with the 2016 Hillary for America presidential campaign to destroy Donald Trump. Indeed, Trump and his campaign didn’t collude with Russia to win the election. The FBI and the Clinton Mafia did (see "Durham Report Reveals the Real Collusion").

Yet the 306-page report’s excruciatingly detailed account of the collusion allegations also shows that something went terribly wrong in the only two cases Durham prosecuted: those of Clinton gofer Michael Sussmann and espionage suspect Igor Danchenko, both of whom were acquitted of lying to the FBI about their roles in conceiving the hoax.

Sussmann’s case is the more perplexing because Durham’s evidence was bulletproof. The perpetrator’s fingerprints, so to speak, were on the murder weapon. But the prosecutor ran into a jury with at least two biased members. The judge was indirectly linked to one of the hoax conspirators.

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