The Last Word
Brexit Betrayal & the EU Liars Club

Brexit Betrayal & the EU Liars Club

William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

For the past year-and-a-half, British Prime Minister Theresa May has been running out the clock on Brexit. She has repeatedly scurried back and forth across the English Channel for meetings with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, European Council President Donald Tusk, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and French President Emmanuel Macron — all in the interest, supposedly, of working out a favorable deal for Britain’s exit from the European Union.

When a majority (17.4 million) of British citizens voted to leave the EU in the historic Brexit referendum in June of 2016, the globalist grandees everywhere were stunned beyond belief. This was the biggest setback to the EU since its founding (as the European Economic Community, or Common Market) in 1957. It was also a huge defeat for the entire globalist agenda, since the EU has served as their model of regional subversion of national sovereignty. Not only the globalists in charge of the U.K.’s Conservative, Labour, SNP, and Liberal Democrat parties, but one-worlders the world over in business, finance, academia, think tanks, entertainment, and the media arose en masse to chide, scold, and warn the recalcitrant British voters. In the run-up to the vote, billionaires George Soros, Jacob Rothschild, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Michael Bloomberg, Li Ka-shing, and other avatars of the Bilderberg/Davos set lent their voices to Project Fear, the anti-Brexit propaganda campaign of then-Prime Minister David Cameron, the Bank of England, and the ruling elites. A vote for Brexit was a vote for Armageddon, they warned. Markets would crash, the British pound would fall, governments would collapse, chaos would ensue. None of that happened, of course.

Cameron was forced to resign as a result of his defeat over Brexit. Theresa May was his pro-EU/anti-Brexit ally, but on assuming the prime minister post, she assured one and all that she was completely committed to honoring the will of the voters, repeatedly saying, “Leave means leave,” and “Brexit means Brexit.” However, she also said that she would fight for the views of the “remainers” in her negotiations with the EU.

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