Education’s Future: Globalization of Indoctrination
National education standards such as Common Core that focus on manipulating cultural norms and morals are being melded with UN standards that — if possible — are worse.
In the future, children will all be learning from the same script, literally. Parents will become increasingly sidelined as globalized schools take over everything from mental and dental health to sexuality and nutrition. Indeed, even as Americans fought against the nationalization of education via Common Core, the United Nations was globalizing education and pushing its World Core Curriculum. The UN has decreed that it will decide what children learn and what values they should have. UN leaders have boasted that children’s behavior, attitudes, beliefs, views, and even “spirituality” will be shaped by global programs. And incredibly, national governments have gone along with it.
If current trends continue, the future of U.S. education is globalization and indoctrination — on steroids. It has been happening for decades, of course. It accelerated under the Obama administration. But years before Obama was even a candidate, Microsoft boss Bill Gates — the chief nongovernmental financier of Common Core — signed a global education partnership with the UN. And it is going to get worse. Instead of actually educating children, government schools in America and all over the world are being transformed into indoctrination centers. Using a century of psychological research, these indoctrination centers are designed to transform children into unthinking cogs in a globalist machine. Many of its architects have boasted of their agenda to weaponize public schools against individualism, Christianity, religion, and more. Now it is under way.
True critical thinking is on the way out — logic, truth, real philosophy, and more have been replaced with emotionalism and post-modernism. Teaching real history is becoming a thing of the past. Legitimate science, too, is going by the wayside, as “science” lessons increasingly focus on the man-made global-warming hypothesis, false religious doctrines of atheism disguised as science, and sexual perversion. Even reading, writing, and arithmetic — the “Three R’s” — are being replaced with social justice, values clarification, and absurd math that confuses even professional mathematicians. It’s by design.
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