Identifying the Real Fascists
Supposedly Antifa is left-wing, anti-fascist, and opposed to right-wing neo-Nazis; however, it is fascist to the core, supporting totalitarianism and violence — just like neo-Nazis.
Propagandists know that labels are all-important. And successfully labeling an adversary requires repetition, along with dramatic visualization. The deadly confrontation in Charlottesville, Virginia, on August 12, 2017, between the neo-Nazis and the Antifa “Black Bloc” provided the intense optics needed to drill home the repetitious message of the street demonstrators and media commentators for the past year: Republicans, conservatives, Trump supporters (and white people in general) are racist, fascist Nazis, and Donald Trump is the racist, fascist, Nazi-in-chief.
Since Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini are universally regarded as the supreme villains of modern times (if not all of world history), the chief tactic of the Left — communists, socialists, and “progressive” Democrats — since World War II has been to avoid substantive debate on real issues by accusing their opponents of being racist and/or fascist. Hence, the ongoing propaganda campaign by the Antifa militants and their media supporters to cast the violent street fights as Right vs. Left, fascist vs. anti-fascist conflicts.
Not only is this characterization dishonest, but it is being used in a calculated fashion to invest the Antifa anarcho-communists with heroic stature, while simultaneously smearing all those they target and all who oppose them as racists and fascists.
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