World Happiness Council: Here Come the UN’s Joy Dictators
Fresh from the World Government Summit, the UN’s “happiness” experts have mandates for your workplace, classroom, neighborhood, and more.
If you have been feeling inexplicably joyful over the past couple months, yet can’t quite put your finger on what it is that is causing you to smile, laugh, and rejoice so much, we have the answer for you. Undoubtedly, the mysterious bliss you have been experiencing is emanating from the World Happiness Council, one of the latest creations of the United Nations. As we reported in the June 5, 2017 issue (“Be Happy! That’s an Order!”), the World Happiness Council (WHC) was officially launched in March, as a direct follow-up to the World Government Summit held this past February in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. However, the WHC is actually the culmination of a five-year rollout effort by the UN, which began with the UN General Assembly Resolution 66/281 in 2012 declaring that March 20 would henceforth be designated the “International Day of Happiness.”
Of course, as most of the regimes of the UN are dictatorships of one type or another, they are accustomed to simply issuing an order to “make it so.” Thus, since the World Happiness Council has so ordered, you had better be (or at least act) happy — or else!
Fortunately, the joy commissars at the WHC have not been endowed with global legislative, executive, and judicial powers — yet. But what is the sublime future they envision for us? Well, we can get a pretty good feel for it from the speeches, presentations, panels, publications, and discussions of the “top thinkers” and “experts” at the Global Dialogue for Happiness, a key component of the World Government Summit (WGS).
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