The Kate Dalley Show - The New American
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The Kate Dalley Show
The Kate Dalley Show

The Kate Dalley Show

Stay faithful and fearless with “The Kate Dalley Show.” At a time when our country craves truth and logic, Kate delves into diverse topics, fearlessly exposing government activities without the constraints of political correctness. For 12 years, she’s brought national and global guests to her airwaves, engaging in thought-provoking discussions.

The Kate Dalley Show for 7/11/24

1st HR Don Fotheringham Author of the President Makers.

One Of The Last Remaining WW2 Vets in America – His thoughts on America, what we can do to save it.

2nd HR Ask Me ANYTHING. Your Calls were so great! Also Dan Rather in 1982 Talking Climate Danger.

The Kate Dalley Show for 7/11/24

1st HR – KrisAnne Hall On Chevron and Immunity; How many states changing Birth Certificate Gender For Trans

How To Actually Save Our Country 

Milty’s funny Public Service Announcement

2nd HR- Why The Horrors on Flying and Zero Customer Service- the Agenda.

Kates Public Service Announcement on Sunscreen

The Kate Dalley Show for 7/10/24

First Hour:
Susan Reeve on 6 Levels of Awareness What Are They
Rockefellers Dominance
Second Hour:
Melissa Smith Midwest Melissa on Biden Right Left; An Insight on When Life Begins and Abortion
John Deere Tractor going to Mexico and going WOKE
Food Supply Targeting

The Kate Dalley Show for 7/9/24

Patrick Byrne first hour on Elections,, VP Pick, Bribing Hilary, His New Book

Mel Mattison – The Government is about to steal your retirement and this is why/how

Scott Wiper – filmaker – Flynn Documentary- His Red Pill Moment, What He Focused On and Why on Flynn and will Flynn Be VP?

The Kate Dalley Show for 7/2/24

1st HR Biden New Website ; Alzheimer’s Vax ; Tractor Supply Apology; Solutions to do Something About Our Country

2nd HR  Mel Mattison on Founding Father Robert Morris- The First Central Bank; 

Coolidge Speech On America is the best.  Great References to Our Time and What We Would Deal With

The Kate Dalley Show for 7/1/24

1st HR SCOTUS on IMMUNITY and The Biden Lies – His Entire Career

2nd HR What Years In America Were The Most Free and Prosperous- The Answer Will Surprise You

When We Say We Want Our Country Back- When Is “back”? 

The Kate Dalley Show for 6/28/24

1st HR Taking Calls On The Debate. How people felt about it. 

2nd HR Dr Lee Merritt on the debate, her prediction of election in Nov, USA being a CORP, SCOTUS Chevron implications,

What happens next. 

The Kate Dalley Show for 6/27/24

1st HR  – What Are Your Thoughts On The Debate Tonight?  CNN Working is Strange and They are Installing a 1-2 Min Delay to EDIT?

Several SCOTUS decisions

2nd HR GUEST Charlie Kirk- We Asked him one word statements and he gave his first response to each one.

How Visual is someone’s ideology- can you spot a liberal- HOW?

Police/FBI/Schools all PURGING Conservatives – This is WHY our country is woke- aiding and abetting it

The Kate Dalley Show for 6/26/24

1st hour Who Is Julian Assange, really? Some Things To Consider

2nd hour Guest Host Midwest Melissa What Happened Before, During And After Valley Forge George Washington

The Kate Dalley Show for 6/25/24

Julian Assange Free; Judge Says No To Biden Wiping Loans; Georgia Ballots 2020 Being Erased 

Do You Trust Elections? Callers Weigh In

2nd Hour Mel Mattison PetroDollar; Saudi Arabia The Truth About Their Deal; Lithium Plant Fire

Selective Service Mandatory Now What’s Coming?  West Point Changes Their Mission Statement This Is Strange and Telling

The Kate Dalley Show for 6/24/24

1st HR Follow Up To Miltys Controversial Statements About Inflation/President and Personal Responsibility.

No Matter Who Is President- What is Our Role In Our Own Financial Future.

2nd HR Dr. Pesta on Lying Claims Of Accomplishments, LGBTQ Librarians Claim Assaults, Pesta on What Needs To Happen In The Trump Biden Debate. Milty, Pesta and Kate All Have Different Views On This.

Trump Says He Will Get Rid Of The Dept. Of Ed – Our Thoughts.

The Kate Dalley Show for 6/21/24

Part 2 With Dr David A Hughes, on Psyop of Covid Endgame, The Nazi Connection and Technocracy.

2nd HR Bryan Hawn A Gay Man speaks out about drag queens, pride month, mama bears and rights.

The Kate Dalley Show for 6/19/24

1st HR Today’s headlines and (Charlie Kirk Had To Reschedule Until Next Week ) So Several Charlie Kirk explanations

of the threats to Christianity right now- the “new Religions” taking over.

2nd HR Midwest Melissa Joins Kate for Tornado Patent Info,  Ancient Refrigeration – what we can learn- and ancient underground cities and water systems.

The Kate Dalley Show for 6/18/24

1st HR – The Fear porn- the latest and who is behind the text scams- you’ll never look at this the same way.

2nd HR Mel Mattison Guest – Who Is Sam Altman and Open AI- What It Can Do and What’s Coming – has to do with water curtailment in Idaho too!

The Kate Dalley Show for 6/17/24

The climate scheme land grab of ancestral lands and private lands – hot weather headlines all cement end game land grab/wealth.

Dr Pesta- where is college educaton in 10 years?  How Does AI change it? The endgame 10 years from now.