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Search Results for: climate change

Arctic Ice Expanding, Not Retreating

At last December’s UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, former Vice President Al Gore shrilly proclaimed that “The entire polar ice cap ... could be completely ice free within...

Global Warming Causes Blizzards. Really?!

Item: “There is some evidence that climate change could in fact make such massive snowstorms more common, even as the world continues to warm,” Bryan Walsh wrote in a...

Heavyweights Call for Global-warming Probes

As scandals surrounding the flawed global-warming report by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change continue to grow, new calls for investigations are turning up the heat. ...

EPA Under the Greenhouse Gas Gun

Several organizations are petitioning Obama's EPA to reconsider its December 2009 endangerment finding regarding greenhouse gases. The finding permits EPA to regulate carbon dioxide and other allegedly dangerous emissions...

Are the Polar Ice Caps Melting?

“The entire polar ice cap … could be completely ice free within the next five to seven years.” So claimed global-warming magnate Al Gore at last December’s UN Climate...

Not All Carbon Footprints Are Alike

The recently concluded United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, known in UN-speak as COP15, provides a timely glimpse into a brave new zoological carboniferous epoch. As we all...

Doomsday Clock Should Be Overhauled

According to an article at entitled “Doomsday Clock set back one minute,” the Doomsday Clock, an “end-of-the-world clock, set up in 1947, ... meant to convey how close...

Copenhagen Consequences

Parties on both sides of the global-warming debate are calling the UN Climate Change Conference at Copenhagen a failure. Instead of producing a legally binding treaty to curb greenhouse...