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Search Results for: climate change

Social Security Sham

ITEM: The Buffalo News for January 25 called for entitlement reform, noting that, for example, the trustees for Social Security "have long foreseen the problems. In 2011 — just...

O, Come All Ye Faithful!

The great theme of Christmas is an ancient one; it lies, indeed, at the root of our years, for it brought a before and after to the centuries. ...

Rooting for World Government

"And now for a world government." That is the title of an important op-ed by Gideon Rachman that appeared in the Financial Times of London — important both for...

Free-market Thinkers

With bailouts and other unabashed socialist projects being embraced by both political parties to "save our economy," has free-market economics been proved faulty? ...

Obama Picks “Ultimate Insider”

Despite Obama’s pledge for “change,” his pick for vice-presidential running mate, Senator Joseph Biden (D-Del.), is the clearest signal yet that an Obama presidency would be little more than...

The Great Depression

On October 29, 1929, the world turned upside down. For more than a month, stock prices, which had risen to giddy new levels throughout the decade now known as...

The Specter of Inflation

At a conference on April 16, Richard Fisher, president and chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, warned that the U.S. economy could be facing trouble...