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Search Results for: climate change

ObamaCare vs. Jobs

Now that ObamaCare has been enacted, we definitely won't be knocking any new archways through the wall at our Pittsburgh restaurant and expanding into the empty storefront next door....

Socialist Chavez Arrests More Critics

In his latest paranoid crackdown on free speech, socialist Venezuelan “President” Hugo Chavez arrested the chief of the last critical television network as well as a popular former governor....

Sestak Coverup

The main reason Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), the top Republican on the House Oversight Committee, is pressing the issue over Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Pa.) is owing to the reticence...

Resurgent Communism in Latin America

Many Cuban refugees risked everything to escape the murderous regime of Fidel Castro. Oftentimes they made treacherous voyages aboard rickety rafts, hoping only to reach the free shores of...

Obama’s Jobless Recovery

The New York Times is now reporting what many Americans have figured out already: The Obama “recovery”) is a jobless recovery, leaving millions of Americans lacking the one thing...

Bailout Baloney – Banking

More than a year has elapsed since the U.S. economy went into a tailspin with the panic that shook the world’s financial markets in the fall of 2008. Two...

Government on (Prescription) Drugs

The New Hampshire Sunday News of January 3 of this year ran a front-page feature story on the state’s senior U.S. Senator, Judd Gregg, the “deficit hawk.” But those...

What Haiti Needs

Haiti has long been one of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere. Even though it was the first Latin American nation to gain independence — through a slave...

Controversy Over Swiss Minaret Vote

As reported previously, the November 29 decision by the citizens of Switzerland to amend their constitution and ban the future construction of minarets led to an immediate firestorm of...

Obama to Consider Four Afghan Troop Options

On November 11, President Obama held his eighth Situation Room meeting in the last two months to discuss the ongoing war in Afghanistan. Administration officials announced afterwards that the...

Vatican and Traditional Catholics Meet

According to media reports, Pope Benedict XVI is continuing his efforts to return some disaffected Catholic traditionalists to the “fold.” In the wake of the Second Vatican Council, Archbishop...

Al Gore Ignores Inconvenient Questions

Al Gore was attending the Society of Environmental Journalists’ 19th Annual Conference in Madison, Wisconsin, held from October 7-11 this year, when one of the journalists asked some inconvenient...