What Is To Be Done?
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

In response to the question, “What is to be done?” Or more to the point, ‘What is to be done to save the Republic from the grasp of the Establishment and its drive toward domestic and international socialism?’ Barry Goldwater, in his 1994 book, “The Conscience of a Conservative,” advised:

“The ancient and tested truths that guided our republic through its early days will do equally well for us.”

He was right. In fact, since socialism’s success in overthrowing a free state — our free state — is almost wholly dependent upon its ability to undermine faith, to undermine my faith and your faith in ancient and tested truths so that we will be easy prey for their moronic proposals, so that we will lay down and play dead as it becomes more and more evident that they intend to impose a tyranny upon us, Goldwater’s answer is all the more inspired.

For socialism, once implanted, can only be driven from us, and forever expunged and defeated, when the knowledge and actions of the majority of the people are inspired by faith in rock solid political, moral, and religious truths. Then, and only then.

Such people can move mountains! Such people are unconquerable! Such people don’t give up and give in after this setback or that, but fight for truth and freedom against falsehood and tyranny till their last breath. Oh! How we need men and women of this sort of metal!

When I think of the Tea Party movement; when I think of all the propaganda coming from Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and a host of other sources, all intent on undermining, hijacking, or discrediting it; I realize it is this above all else: men and women inspired of God, I mean people of faith and reason, who know certain things to be right and certain things to be wrong, that these are the sort who will see through the fog, and the storm, and the noise, and the confusion, and the terror of the field of battle. That these are the ones who will boldly and courageously stay the course against every obstacle and setback and reversal, and inspire others to do the same.

And, if this is so, and it is so; shouldn’t this be the highest goal, the very first priority for each of us, to become men and women of faith and virtuous action, and then to inspire the same in others?

I concur and endorse the wise and insightful counsel of Barry Goldwater. Turning back in faith to “the ancient and tested truths that guided our republic through its early days will do equally well for us.” It is the only way to save America. So let’s do it!

Steve Far­rell
is one of the orig­i­nal pun­dits at Sil­ver Eddy Award Win­ner, NewsMax.com (1999–2008), asso­ciate pro­fes­sor of polit­i­cal econ­omy at George Wythe Uni­ver­sity, the author of the highly praised inspi­ra­tional novel “Dark Rose,” and edi­tor in chief of The Moral Liberal.