
The Wall Street Journal recently published an op-ed that opens with a dig at The John Birch Society. The author then used the remaining fourteen paragraphs to complain about globalist ideas that are destroying the world — ideas the JBS warned about and tried to stop for decades.
“Karl Marx was a crackpot. So was the John Birch Society in its mission to fight communism ‘behind every tree.’ The latest is Modern Monetary Theory and unlimited dollar creation for government spending, which caused today’s runaway inflation,” Andy Kessler writes in the lead graf of an op-ed titled “The Deadly ‘De-Growth’ Craze.”
Kessler bemoans the globalists at the World Economic Forum. “The new craze is ‘de-growth,’” he writes. “Normally, I’d say ‘Pfffft, ignore them,’ but none other than the Davos dudes of the World Economic Forum are featuring arguments for de-growth.”
This no-growth craze Kessler refers to is a feature of the sustainable-development movement. “No-Grows are the ones shouting ‘sustainability.’… Let’s drive energy prices high enough to limit growth (hey, it worked!). Please ignore that it enriches makers of not-yet-ready green solutions. Climate change is another No-Grow favorite — it’s an ‘existential threat’!” he writes, before adding, “Everything involving redistribution is no-growth because it steals productive capital and gives it to a protected class.”
Kessler opposes destructive ideas that no organization has warned about more than the JBS. All he appears to know about us is that we saw “communism behind every tree.”
It’s true that when the JBS arrived on the scene, communism was our number-one target. And for good reason. In addition to available intel in the ’60s and ’70s, declassified documents of the Venona project have shown that if there wasn’t a commie behind every tree, there sure were a few behind desks in every American government agency. Historians John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr pored over piles of declassified documents after the Venona project was declassified in the ’90s. The documents revealed that “The Soviet intelligence community enjoyed the cooperation of key persons in high positions in the U.S. government.” It listed, among the many, Assistant to the Secretary of Treasury Harry White, Assistant to the Secretary of State Alger Hiss, Administrative Assistant to the President Lauchlin Currie, and numerous people — between 25 and 50 — in the CIA’s predecessor Office of Strategic Services, as well as more in the Office of War Information (a U.S. propaganda agency), the State Department (Laurence Duggan the most important one), the military, and other agencies. The Venona files revealed that the Soviets had assets in “virtually all major U.S. government agencies.”
According to congressional testimony by former intelligence officer and propaganda specialist Edward Hunter in 1961, JBS anti-communist activism was so effective that the Soviets revised their propaganda playbook to specifically destroy us.
It’s 2022 now, and the people of the world just experienced the first global totalitarian campaign in human history. During the peak of the Covid Tyranny Era, a majority of governments locked down their law-abiding citizens, shuttered businesses, barred church doors, intimidated and worked with newspapers and social-media companies to censor and control information, and managed to coerce and dupe the majority of the Western world into taking an experimental shot that is proving so suspect that further uptake has plummeted. This global totalitarian campaign, under the guise of “public health” measures, was a model created and first implemented by the murderous Chinese Communist Party.
When the JBS warned America about communism in our early years, it was in the context of the “Master Conspiracy,” a plan for a one-world totalitarian government. We warned and explained how an international cabal of conspirators — we called them “Insiders” — was implementing the plan, most of whom lived, acquired wealth, and built power in the West. Open communism was a dominant component of the Master Conspiracy to destroy the United States. The ties between communism and these Western Insiders have been thoroughly documented by Stanford University’s Hoover Institution research fellow Anthony Sutton, whose meticulously footnoted books include Wall Street and The Bolshevik Revolution. Communism posed a great threat to Americans decades ago, and totalitarianism poses a greater threat to Americans today than it did 50 years ago.
While Covid changed the world overnight, the fake climate-change threat has been reorienting society for decades. The Insiders have weaponized the ruse of catastrophic human-caused climate change to fool people into giving up liberty and our high standards of living. This leads to another of Kessler’s complaints.
The “sustainable development” agenda of the World Economic Forum is destroying economies all over the world, Kessler rightly pointed out in the Journal. The New American magazine, an affiliate of the JBS, has published piles of content showing the connections between the fake green movement and the Master Conspiracy. We’ve warned about the unsustainability of the “sustainable development” movement for decades. In 1992, a TNA reporter attended the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, where 179 state leaders, including U.S. President George H.W. Bush, signed on to the UN’s Sustainable Development Agenda 21 pledge. While corporate media fact-checked the “fear mongers” with the deceit that the goals were “non-binding,” the globalist Insiders were successfully implementing their policies via soft law all around the country, and all around the world. Now these policies are destroying individual liberty and economies around the world. Corporate globalists are shoving ESG standards down the throats of the business world. In some cases, “sustainable development” has become outright policy. In the Netherlands, farmers are taking to the streets because green policies have become laws that threaten their livelihoods. In Sri Lanka, sustainable development has collapsed the country.
In 2016, the World Economic Forum released a promo video telling us that by 2030 we will own nothing and be happy. This was the Great Reset campaign, a repackaged Agenda 2030. The ideas of the Great Reset-Agenda 2030 campaign are the “no-grow” ideas Kessler is now complaining about. To learn more about how Agenda 2030 will affect you, download our free booklet on the matter here.
Although we have been working to educate Americans about this threat for many years, in 2011, we launched our official Stop Agenda 21 action project.
JBS anti-Agenda 21 activism earned us top mention in a 2014 Southern Poverty Law Center report titled “Agenda 21: The UN, Sustainability and Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory.” The first paragraph of the report reads: “at the hands of groups like the John Birch Society, Agenda 21 has been transformed in much of the American public mind into a secret plot to impose a totalitarian world government, a nefarious effort to crush freedom in the name of environmentalism.” The report also lists several examples of state and communities resisting this agenda thanks to JBS education. To learn more about JBS’s role in raising awareness about Agenda 21, you can read Birch’n: How The John Birch Society Keeps America Free.
Kessler also complains about the harms of printing fiat money. Once again, JBS was way ahead. Harmful monetary policies have been a staple target of JBS activism for a very long time. Our End the Fed action project explains the dangers of fiat money and those of the entity with monopolistic power over our money, the Federal Reserve. Our affiliate publishing house is also the first to publish the blockbuster book The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin.
Inflation is now a mainstream topic because people are having to choose between gas and food. Had more people noticed and applied pressure decades earlier for common-sense monetary policies including restoring sound money based on precious metals, Americans could afford both.
Does Kessler know that he would have nothing to complain about had the “crackpots” in the JBS fully succeeded?
I don’t know. I’ve read a number of these cheap shots. It appears that pundits and pseudo-journalists more than likely are just parroting fashionable industry tropes and faux narratives conveniently found in the opening paragraphs of a Wikipedia entry. They probably don’t understand the target of their insults.
The mainstream narratives about the JBS are usually far removed from reality. This is largely thanks to decades of corporate media smears designed to discredit one of the most effective anti-globalist organizations in the world. Today, it’s easy to see how America’s media industry could completely mislabel a pro-liberty organization such as the JBS, especially since it doesn’t understand at least half the country. Fifty years ago, however, people trusted major media far more.
Had people heeded JBS’s warnings and prescriptions, we would be living in a different America, in a freer and more prosperous America, an America that would still be the envy of freedom lovers around the world.
I reached out to editors at The Wall Street Journal multiple times asking to publish a response to Kessler’s uninformed insult. Nobody from the Journal responded. This happens regularly. While corporate media will allow casual slights such as Kessler’s, it won’t even publish a short letter to the editor from those on the receiving end.
Corporate media’s careless, irresponsible, and even nefarious behavior has contributed greatly to America’s erosion. Most mainstream outlets peddle misinformation or disinformation. This goes far beyond opinion pieces. News organizations don’t tell Americans what we need to know to remain free and prosperous. They often do the opposite. They shape how people see their world. These people are propagandists, whether they know it or not, whether they mean to be or not. Notice how not one single mainstream news outlet reported information regarding the dangers of Covid restrictions and “vaccines,” despite that data already existing. Not one. The behavior of corporate media during the height of Covid mania will go down in history as the most successful propaganda campaign in human history.
But the public must share the blame as well. JBS’s motto is “less government, more responsibility and — with God’s help — a better world.”
The internet has removed most excuses for ignorance. Reliable news and information are easily accessible, and often free. This magazine offers fresh and free daily online content. Even before the internet, our print magazine was available.
Americans have little excuse now. If we choose to believe the lies, half-lies, and misinformation, our living conditions will reflect that. If we ignore news and information that reflects reality, we will continue to live in tyranny. If we choose to believe corporate media propaganda over reality, our gas tanks, bank accounts, and refrigerators will continue to be empty.
However, if we dismiss corporate media propaganda and turn to reliable media such as this one and many others, minds will change. And once that happens, the floodgates are open.
Founder Robert Welch said of JBS’s goal, “Education is our total strategy, truth our only weapon.”
Truth is a powerful weapon; the sharpest and most dangerous one. That’s why there’s such an assault on it. That’s why they won’t allow us near their audience. They’re scared of what people might learn. If we decide as a country to wield the sharp edge of truth, we can shred the plans of the globalists to pieces and live free. If not, we will live as serfs, and our grandchildren will never know freedom.
What is the true John Birch Society? What are we really up to? I’ll close with the words from a 1974 speech by Welch:
“We are not beginning any revolution or even a counter-revolution in any technical sense, because while we are opposing a conspiracy we are not ourselves making use of conspiratorial methods. Yet our determination to overthrow an entrenched tyranny is the very stuff out of which revolutions are made. The net result of these reflections is that we are not a copy of any movement of the past. We are unique. We are ourselves. We are something new, as befits a moving force for a new age.”