Clearly, someone behind these clueless, jobless, soapless demonstrators is very familiar with a guy named Saul Alinsky. This left-wing agitator has been honored, if that’s the right word, as this country’s first community organizer. You can see where that’s led.
Alinsky, a veteran of Chicago’s dirtiest politics, wrote a book years ago called Rules for Radicals. One of his most important lessons was that “the real action is in the reaction.”
That is, so-called peaceful demonstrators will get everything they seek if they can cause the establishment to react forcibly against them. (Think of fire hoses and police dogs during the civil rights demonstrations of the 1960s.) Do that and your battle is won. Martin Luther King Jr. was a master implementer of the Alinsky stratagems.
Those OWS creeps in various locations around the country are not. All they are doing is making the average American disgusted with them. Oh, sure, they’re getting some support in high places — like Barack Obama’s White House. But how many of your friends and neighbors want to have anything to do with them? Heck, I’ll bet they don’t even want to get close enough to smell them.
One of the most ridiculous statements I’ve heard since OWS demonstrators first arrived in New York City is that the movement is somehow similar to the Tea Party. USA Today even ran an article with the headline “Tea Party, Occupy share traits.”
What a bunch of baloney.
Let’s see. The Tea Party brought more than half-a-million people to a peaceful and patriotic demonstration on the Washington Mall last year. When they left, park officials were amazed to find that the mall was cleaner than when they arrived.
When the OWS protesters finally were dragged kicking and screaming out of the parks they occupied, many of the cleanup crews had to wear hazmat outfits to protect themselves from the filth and sewage the demonstrators left behind.
So far, more than 5,000 OWS demonstrators have been arrested. Can you imagine the headlines if even a few hundred Tea Party members were arrested for similar offenses?
The Tea Party consists of people who are proudly patriotic. They love their country, its traditions and its rich history.
The OWS crowd is a bit different. OWS has been endorsed by both the Communist Party USA and the American Nazi Party. Talk about strange bedfellows! But don’t make the mistake of thinking the Nazis belong on the right. The word “Nazism” is a shortened version of the word “Nationalsozialismus,” or National Socialism. Hitler and all his followers are creatures of the left, not the right.
Tea Party members revere our country’s heritage of freedom, free enterprise and private property rights. They believe it is impossible to have a prosperous and growing economy where these principles are not respected and defended.
The OWS protesters despise the free market, hate and mistrust capitalism, and believe Karl Marx was right when he called for the forcible redistribution of wealth.
OWS demonstrators would have loved Lyndon Baines Johnson and his vision for a Great Society. Half a century ago, LBJ declared that it is the duty of government to take from the “haves” and give to the “have-nots.”
The protesters are gathering enormous publicity and thousands of followers. The left loves their anti-capitalist mentality, which is why so many of them, from Obama on down, have supported their cause.
But for a moment, let’s look at the facts about the downtrodden poor in this country. In his column "The OWS-Black Friday Connection," My fellow Personal Liberty Digest columnist Robert Ringer quoted some amazing statistics:
Here are some facts about people whom the Census Bureau defines as “poor”…
• Forty-three percent own their own homes.
• Eighty percent have air conditioning in their homes.
• Almost 75 percent of poor households have a car, and 31 percent have more than one.
• Ninety-seven percent have a color television set and 62 percent have cable or satellite TV.
• Eighty-nine percent own microwave ovens.
In other words, the poor in this country live better today than the vast majority of human beings on the face of the Earth. I suspect they live better than most of our grandparents and great-grandparents did. In fact, they enjoy a higher standard of living than royalty did a couple of centuries ago.
Now I’ll grant you, there really is some poverty in this country. There are some truly terrible conditions in many of our inner cities. But the OWS protesters aren’t doing anything to correct them.
I will admit that the OWS agitators have a brilliant slogan: “We are the 99%.” Of course, they are nothing of the kind. They are a tiny fragment of nihilistic rebels who are delighted with all the attention they are getting. But as far as a positive program to make things better? Fuhgeddaboudit.
Let me end this piece by quoting a friend of mine, Wayne Allyn Root, who says he is very proud to be a member of the 1 percent:
99% of the 1% are just like me– small businessmen and women who started from humble origins and earned their money the old fashioned way. Our “overnight success” came from 25 years of hard work, risking everything, and overcoming failure. Many of us are struggling, but will forever keep striving for the American Dream.
I am sick of being denigrated and misrepresented by the media and leftist politicians who are purposely misleading the public about the 1%.
I am sick of Obama targeting, vilifying, demonizing, and punishing us for our success. I am sick of the class warfare, jealousy, and envy that Obama’s socialist cabal tries to foment among the masses. The public has been told lies about the 1%.
My story is the story of 99% of the 1%. I am a small businessman. I work 16-hour days, mornings, nights, weekends, holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries. I have no guaranteed job for life, nor any pension. I have no rich daddy or sugar daddy.
I hope you, too, are “sick of the class warfare, jealousy, and envy that Obama’s socialist cabal tries to foment among the masses.” I sure am.
Until next time, keep some powder dry.
Chip Wood was the first news editor of The Review of the News and also wrote for American Opinion, our two predecessor publications. He is now the geopolitical editor of Personal Liberty Digest, where his Straight Talk column appears weekly. This article first appeared in and has been reprinted with permission.