![“Smash Capitalism!” Say the Wall Street Protesters “Smash Capitalism!” Say the Wall Street Protesters](https://thenewamerican.com/assets/sites/2/_img/19663/samblumenfeld.001-001_thumb-1080x720.jpg)
“Smash Capitalism” is one of the signs we saw being held by one of the Wall Street mobsters. The overriding theme of the mob is the overwhelming wish to destroy the capitalist system of profit-making free-enterprise and replace it with some vaguely defined social system. But since many of these mobsters are avowed socialists, communists, and anarchists, what we will get is economic chaos, which will lead to a dictatorship of some kind. And since the left has joined with the Islamic extremists in their aim to destroy capitalism, the dictator can easily be either an Islamist or an American socialist such as Obama. (it has been said that the main difference between a socialist and a communist is that a communist is a “socialist in a hurry.”)
But since much of this is being led by billionaire George Soros, a poster child for megalomania if ever there was one, he might choose himself as the great dictator of Third Way America. Soros wants a New Financial World Order, which has also been vaguely defined as a partnership between government and business, which is a form of Fascism. The government regulates business to the point where only businesses the government approves of can succeed. That’s crony capitalism on steroids.
But as Ludwig von Mises wrote in Bureaucracy: “There is no compromise possible between these two systems [capitalism and socialism]. Contrary to a popular fallacy there is no middle way, no third system possible as a pattern of a permanent social order. The citizen must choose between capitalism and socialism or, as many Americans say, between the American and the Russian way of life.”
Von Mises wrote that in 1962, when Russia was still a communist-led Soviet Union. Today, we might say that the choice is between the free-enterprise American way or the Cuban communist dictatorship way. But isn’t China a sort of Third Way? It has aspects of capitalist economics but it is run by the Chinese Communist Party. There is no political freedom in China. There is no free press, no free radio or television. All publishing houses are owned by the government so that no anti-communist books can be published. It also regulates business, so that only what the government wants gets done. Is that what Americans want?
The problem with America is that our legislators, both Democrats and Republicans, have been leading us toward socialism so gradually and painlessly that we are almost there. ObamaCare, if not repealed, will be the nail in the coffin of capitalism. In other words, we’ve reached that point in our political history where Americans will be forced to make the choice Von Mises said was inevitable: capitalism or socialism, freedom or government control of our lives.
Do Americans want freedom or security? And if they vote for the latter, what kind of security will they get? No socialist country has ever been able to give its citizens the kind of economic security socialism promises but has never delivered. Socialists destroy the gap between rich and poor by making everyone poor — except the ruling oligarchy, which has all of the privileges the common folk only dream of.
According to Aaron Klein, on WND, the rent-a-mobs on Wall Street and elsewhere have been bought and paid for by Soros and friends. He and his economic adviser, Nobel-Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz, are behind the movement for a "New World Economic Order." Klein quotes Stiglitz:
"There’s a system where we socialize losses and privatize gains," he [Stiglitz] told the anti-Wall Street protesters. "That’s not capitalism, that’s not a market economy, that’s a distorted economy and if we continue with that we won’t succeed in growing, and we won’t succeed in creating a just society."
He’s correct in stating that we have a distorted economy, which is due to increased government regulation of the economy, legislated by liberal, pro-socialist congressmen, with the help of “moderate” Republicans, otherwise known as RINOS (Republicans in Name Only). As for creating a “just society,” the society we had before the Progressives gave us an income tax and the Federal Reserve System was about as just as a society could get. There is no utopia. But the form of government our Founding Fathers gave us produced more prosperity and happiness than any other nation in history. And it was all based on the principle of freedom … from what? Freedom from government!
Stiglitz also accused the banks of preying on the poor by predatory lending. He does not mention that it was Barney Frank and other liberals who forced the banks to lend money to people who could not pay it back. That’s what caused the foreclosure crisis. People weren’t earning enough to support their newly acquired middle-class lifestyle. They used their credit cards to the max, which increased consumer debt to an unsustainable degree.
According to Gavin Wright, chairman of Stanford’s economics department, Stiglitz believed that the market economy had its imperfections which could be improved by more government regulation or use of the tax system. But according to Von Mises, more government regulation only distorts the economy by favoring some businesses over others.
Stiglitz was a member of Bill Clinton’s administration, serving in Clinton’s cabinet and as Chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers. His most important contribution was to define a new economic philosophy called a “Third Way,” which consists of a government-business partnership, a philosophy espoused by George Soros.
According to Aaron Klein, "Third Way" is an ideology first promoted as an alternative to free markets by Mikhail Gorbachev after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The "Third Way" of governing would be neither capitalist nor communist, but something in between. If that something “in between” can’t be defined, then Von Mises is right in stating that “no third system is possible as a pattern of a permanent social order.” In other words, the Third Way is a come-on for a dictatorship.
Meanwhile, the Wall Street mobsters are not only anti-capitalist, but they are also pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel, and increasingly anti-Semitic. It should be noted that the Islamic terrorists who crashed the two airliners into the two World Trade Center towers were attacking the citadel of capitalism. Many of those killed in the towers were working for banks and stock traders, in service to capitalism.
Thus, it should not surprise us that Democratic Representative Jim Moran of Virginia accepted an invitation by the controversial Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) to give the keynote address at a fundraising event at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Virginia, on October 15. This was CAIR’s 17th annual banquet and featured the theme “Making Democracy Work for Everyone.” That means including the Muslim Brotherhood, whose members advocate using the American democratic government as the means of infiltrating and taking over this country.
Apparently, some of the individuals in the anti-capitalist mob in Wall Street also share their hatred of Jews with their Islamic allies. According to Abe Greenwald of Commentary:
A quick sampling of the anti-Semitism on display among the Occupy Wall Street set yields the flamboyant and aggressive protester who yells, "You’re a bum, Jew" at his yarmulke-wearing interlocutor; the conspiracy theorist who laments that "Jewish money controls American politics," and warns the Russians not to let the Jews take over Russia too; and the self-described Nazi with the swastika tattoo who regrets that America has been handed over to "other people." Ah, people power.
The Jew-hatred among protesters and sympathizers is diverse and unapologetic. It is, in fact, atmospheric. Tune in randomly to live television coverage of the spectacle and you’ll see — as I did — placards scapegoating Israel, Zionism, or "Hitler’s bankers." Check out the continuous flurry of protest-supporting tweets and blog posts, and you’ll get more of the same.
How much longer can these mobs keep occupying different locations across the nation? Won’t some of them want to go home, kick back, and take a shower? Do any of them have a job or career to pursue other than the job they now have as paid mobsters? We shall soon find out.