Why “No Child Left Behind” Hasn’t Worked
For decades, I’ve been telling my readers that the federal government ought not to be in the education business and that constitutionalist members...
Unauthorized Biography on Ron Paul, an Unauthorized Politician
Ron Paul: Father of the Tea Party, by Jason Rink, Variant Press, 2011, 255 pages, paperback. ...
Read moreLiberal Greed: Barack Obama and the Real One Percent
Forget Mitt Romney and Bain Capital. If you want to find the real greedy one percent, you need look no further than Barack...
Read moreSchools of Education
Larry Sand's article "No Wonder Johnny (Still) Can't Read" — written for The John William Pope Center for Higher Education Policy, based in...
Read moreRand Paul’s Stand Against the TSA
The TSA didn’t just “detain” Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) Monday: it showed us another of the agency’s many uses to Our Rulers. Not...
Read moreA Fitting Symbol of the American Empire
The image of four U.S. marines urinating on the corpses of Afghan fighters is a fitting symbol of American intervention in Central Asia...
Read moreReading and the Brain
In a recent article on whether one should be optimistic or pessimistic about America’s future, I quoted the former chairman of the National...
Read moreA Brass Age?
This may be the golden age of presumptuous ignorance. The most recent demonstrations of that are the Occupy Wall Street mobs. It is...
Read moreKeynesian Economists Agree: China to Have “Hard Landing”
Mainstream economist Robert Samuelson admitted last week that the case for the ending of the economic boom in China has some substance. Keynesian...
Read moreDavid Mamet: How a Liberal Playwright Became a Conservative
How does a successful liberal playwright and screenwriter such as David Mamet become a conservative? In a way he probably has always been...
Read moreObama Is Not an Insourcer
As an industrialist, I’ve taken an interest in President Barack Obama’s insourcing kick which has occurred over the past few weeks, highlighted by...
Read moreThe Beauty of Private Property — from China?
A farmer in the communist collective of Xiaogang, a small village in eastern China, was starving, along with his family and his neighbors....
Read moreThe Tragic Politics of Envy and Resentment
Different histories, geography, demography and cultures have left various groups, races, nations and civilizations with radically different abilities to create wealth. ...
Read moreHow You Can Tell if a Candidate Is Serious About Ending Illegal Migration
Imagine that your son has a habit of sprinkling copious amounts of bird seed and setting up impromptu birdbaths in your yard. You...
Read moreLeaders vs. Liberty
Throughout the Republican presidential primaries, the candidates have continually expressed ideas that reveal much about how they regard not just themselves, but the...
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