Borderlands: What’s Happening to America?
The U.S. government regards a large part of the country as close enough to a border or coast to justify treating individuals —...
Impeachment Helps the Democrat Cause
Impeachment by the House will not lead to conviction and removal of the President by the Senate. And Democrats dearly want calls for...
Read moreDon’t Fall for This “Patriotic” Smokescreen
Obama wants to make it illegal for American businesses to relocate their corporate headquarters overseas to cut their tax burden. But why not...
Read moreLaws Governing Immigration Don’t Work — When They’re Not Enforced
There are more than enough laws on the books to put an end to the immigration crisis. What’s needed is a determination to...
Read moreWhy Do Our Media Support Palestinian Terrorists?
What on Earth is so wrong with the mainstream media in the United States that it can somehow find “equivalency” between the terroristic...
Read morePlease Stop Helping Us
In his book Please Stop Helping Us, Jason Riley makes the case that the "help" provided to black Americans by government has been...
Read moreObama’s Part-time Nation
More and more Americans are working part-time, including many who desire a full-time jobs. But ignoring the difference between part-time and full-time employment,...
Read moreAnother Way To Police the World
The word “partnership” is the current coverup for treaty, alliance, or free trade agreement, but the favored policy of America should be “non-intervention.”...
Read moreReview: America: Imagine a World Without Her (book and film)
Forewarned is forearmed: D'Souza's book and film entitled America: Imagine the World Without Her have golden nuggets, but the valuables must be separated...
Read moreIraq’s Christians Attacked by Militant Islamists
Early in July 2014, for the first time in 1600 years, there was no Catholic Mass celebrated in the city of Mosul in...
Read moreDon’t Believe Those Lying Job Numbers
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the United States gained 288,000 jobs in June. But the reality is very different. ...
Read moreIn “Reid World,” the Border Is Secure
Ted Cruz and Harry Reid are not necessarily the best of friends, but the junior senator from Texas did invite the Senate Majority...
Read moreDo Blacks Need Favors?
Civil rights organizations and their progressive allies, who all but suggest that blacks cannot achieve unless they are given special privileges, grossly insult...
Read moreIs This Glenn Beck Charity Wrong?
Conservative broadcaster Glenn Beck says that Americans should “open our hearts” to the plight of the thousands of children who have streamed across...
Read moreBordering on Madness
One of the things that make the history of clashes over race or ethnicity such a history of tragedies around the world is...
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