Meat & Dairy Banned by 2030?
Bill Hahn
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

If Americans don’t stand up for their rights, they will be steamrolled time and time again by government tyranny. We’ll look at a prime example in today’s Analysis Behind the News.

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This week, The Epoch Times reported that 1,600 scientists have signed a declaration stating that there is no climate emergency.

How many government officials will be deliberately ignoring this consensus? How many Republicans a­­nd related conservatives are willing to go along to get along on this issue?

If you don’t know, then you might find out in a real hurry. According to The New American, 14 cities have signed onto a pledge to ban meat, dairy products, and private vehicles by the year 2030.

Seem too outrageous to be true?

Let’s click over to the C40 website.

It reads, “C40 is a global network of nearly 100 mayors of the world’s leading cities that are united in action to confront the climate crisis.”

What kind of action? The specifics can be found in its 2019 report, “The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5 degree Celsius World.”

On page 78, the report indicates two levels of targets for reducing an individual’s intake of meat: a “progressive target” of by up to two-thirds by 2030 and an ambitious target of being 100-percent meat-free by 2030.

The reason for this? That if these guidelines are followed, then food category emissions can be cut from 51-60 percent by the year 2050.

Similarly for clothing. Page 82 shows a progressive target of only eight new clothing items per person per year and the ambitious target drops that down to three.

Even more shocking are the targets for private transport on page 86. The report indicates that those in the cities average about 240 vehicles per 1,000 people. The progressive target is set for 190 vehicles per 1,000 people, while the ambitious target drops that to zero by the year 2030. It also explains that cars should last 20 years for progressive and 50 years for ambitious. Good luck with that!

Page 94 of the 2019 report covers electronics and household appliances, suggesting a seven-year lifetime span for both targets. Keep in mind that the federal government is unconstitutionally micromanaging the specifications of many appliances, which can significantly shorten the life of the appliance. Have you purchased a new washer lately? Or perhaps those pretty looking stainless refrigerators that the outside will last forever, but the junk components on the inside render it prematurely obsolete. For what you spend on replacement parts, you’re better off putting that into a new one.

Finally, page 74 suggests various consumption interventions for buildings and infrastructure. It suggests lowering demand for new buildings from 10 percent for the lower target and 20 percent for the higher target. Given the current demand for homes, the market is not calling for less, but more. And any place that is not growing is reflective of a population that is shrinking. But as the literature continues to point out, less consumption equals less emissions. I’ll let you extend the lines on that one.

This is what happens when climate action is not challenged.

And by the way, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum supports the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group. Recall the WEF is the promoter of owning nothing, but being happy. Why? Because property ownership gets in the way for those wanting to run your life.

Because of climate change action, there are more than 80 landowners in South Dakota being sued in eminent-domain court proceedings because they are not willing to sell easements to a private company for a carbon-capture pipeline.

Again, this is what happens when climate action is not challenged. The consequences are real.

The United Nations has been active in this the longest and promotes a thorough and lasting reinvent of the world, all to achieve dubious sustainable development goals. The UN has wormed its way into nearly all levels of government in American society through its Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 projects. These are projects that The John Birch Society has fought against for many years, crippling Agenda 21 in many locations throughout the country.

As the United Nations and other supporters of this radical agenda brazenly point out, this will reboot society to incorporate the environment into every single decision you will make. And what entity is big enough to ensure this is enforced? Only government is big enough to do so. In fact, the type of control needed to ensure compliance can only come from a world government, of which the United Nations is only too happy to help facilitate.

Folks, there is a battle that has been raging against American independence, sovereignty, and God-given rights for many years. If we lose, freedom is gone. The story of America will have an abrupt ending with its absorption into a New World Order, headed by these international governmental bodies. The John Birch Society has been exposing this for 65 years. There will be many that will say they didn’t know about the battle. And if one side doesn’t show up on the battlefield, victories will abound until one day it’ll be too late to do anything about it.

Fortunately, we know what to do about it. Now more than ever we need to educate the electorate and recruit other patriots into action. We must defund the United Nations, and work toward getting the U.S. out of the United Nations. Also, we must work locally to stop these asinine and anti-American initiatives in your town or city. With billions of federal dollars already being spent on this, it’s only a matter of time until it lands squarely in your community.

Join with other patriots at The John Birch Society today to stop the globalists from making advances in your area and to protect and preserve this great experiment of freedom. Will you answer the call for patriotic leadership?

All links are in the video description.

I’m Bill Hahn for The John Birch Society, and until next time, learn more and take action!

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