This is an open message to the American Jewish community. For generations now, the vast majority of American Jews have pledged their support to the Democrat Party, but in view of events that have transpired in American cities and universities since the unprovoked October 7 Hamas attack on Israeli citizens, the time has now come for Jews to rethink that support.
Indeed, it has become abundantly clear that American Jews have been stabbed in the back by the Progressive movement, a movement that today controls the Democratic Party, the media, and much of our culture.
For some time now, the Jewish donor class has been responsible for half of all the money raised by the Democrat Party, and when it comes to the Left in general, Jewish billionaires such as George Soros are among its biggest donors. Clearly, the American Jewish community has been propagandized by the Left to believe that whatever Christian influences exist in America are somehow a threat to their existence.
Indeed, the Left promised the Jews that its goal was a “secular society” based upon a civil-rights agenda that would always protect the Jewish people. Of course, that narrative was pure propaganda. It is precisely due to America’s Christian heritage that many Jews immigrated to the United States to begin with. It was our Christian heritage that deeply influenced the creation of our Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, which protected religious minorities from persecution. Indeed, while all over the world Jews were being persecuted — even before Hitler — Jews were immigrating to America in large numbers to seek freedom and opportunity.
But somehow over the years that was forgotten, and the vacuum created by the attack upon America’s Christian values was not filled by secularism, but by a hateful socialist ideology that today couldn’t care less about the Jewish people or the Bill of Rights. In the early years of the Progressive movement, this anti-Jewish sentiment was kept under the cover, as the Left turned the Jewish donor class into the most prolific money machine in American political history.
Meanwhile, the ties between the Progressives and the Islamicist movement gradually grew, and by the time October 7 came along, it was no longer possible to hide this alliance. Surely, Democrat strategists were hoping this day would never come, but when millions of Islamic immigrants were recruited by the Left, it became impossible to hide their presence or their influence within the progressive coalition.
It is becoming clear that the Jewish donor community had little idea how much the Progressive leadership was pushing radical Islamic ideology in our universities, within the Democrat Party, and inside our media institutions. These are all institutions in which Jewish Americans had assumed they had great influence. This is a testament to how hard Democrat organizers must have worked to play down the Islamic-Progressive coalition so as to not alarm the Left’s largest source of funds — the Jewish donor community.
The harassment of Jewish citizens on campuses, at their homes, and at their businesses has shocked the Jewish community to the core. Never did they think that an ideology that calls for the elimination of Israel and the genocide of the Jewish people would have so much influence with the Progressive movement of which they have been a key part of for so many years.
The time has come for the Jewish leadership of America to wake up and understand that they have not only been stabbed in the back, but their very existence is being called into question. Author Mark Steyn, in his book America Alone, demonstrates that, based on demographics alone, Muslims will be the majority in most European countries by 2060, and since very few Muslim immigrants assimilate into Western culture, much of Europe will be anti-Jewish sometime in the next 40 years. But the same immigration policies converting Europe into an anti-Jewish nightmare are also in place here in the United States. If we lose America to the Left and Israel is defeated by its Islamic enemies, the Jewish community will have nowhere to go.
The American Jewish community needs to understand that the Left’s acceptance of advocates of Sharia Law is truly stunning, as it shows that in the interest of gaining and holding power, the Left is willing to accept those who believe that all non-believers must be annihilated, especially the Jews. In other words, all the talk among the Left over the last few generations about making America a “secular society” safe for Jews was apparently poppycock just to obtain the support of Jewish donors.
It is difficult today to find any Republican and/or conservative who is antisemitic. You might be able to find a few who are anti-Israel, but you would have to hire a detective to locate them. Indeed, contrary to the Left’s phony narratives, hate crimes against Jews are overwhelmingly being committed not by conservatives, but by blacks, many of them citing leftist conspiracy theories fed to them by the Progressive movement. If that’s news to you, it is because the media has misrepresented this issue in order to give cover to the Left.
As someone who has spent 50 years organizing activists for political action and having often been the target of protests, I noticed the Islamicist crowd subtly creeping into key positions on the Left in the 1980s.
When Barack Obama was elected president in 2008, this trend accelerated. As seen here and here, Obama had ties to the Muslim Brotherhood group that spawned Hamas and even covertly supported coups in a few countries that brought the Muslim Brotherhood to power. Regarding Iran, the principal financier of all terrorism targeting Israel, Obama signed a deal that gave them a green light to develop a nuclear bomb and then made covert efforts to pressure Israel to not bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities. He also denied weapons to Israel, declared that the Golan Heights was not part of Israel, and even tried to block Israelis from building homes in Israeli territory. He promoted the leftist idea that Israel and Palestinians were “morally equivalent,” but none of this should be surprising given Obama’s longtime connections to radical Jihadists and his early education at a Muslim school in Indonesia, all of which was carefully concealed so as to not scare Jewish donors away from his campaign.
It was during the Obama years that Progressives not only cemented relations with radical Islamic groups but themselves became increasingly hostile to Israel. While Obama was elected with heavy Jewish support, it is now clear he lied to them as he became the most anti-Israel president in American history. Indeed, his “land for peace” policies created the conditions for the destruction of Israel by giving Hamas a base by which to stage attacks on Israel.
The election of Joe Biden in 2020 accelerated the effort to isolate Israel, and he actually populated his State Department with the same pro-Iran advocates Obama used to sell out Israel with his nuclear deal. Of course, Biden has been working frantically to restart the Iran nuclear deal, claiming that such a deal will “contain” Iran’s efforts to destroy Israel. Like Obama, Biden has been pouring money into rabidly antisemitic mosques and pro-Hamas “charities.” And, of course, like Obama, Biden continues to fund Israel’s enemies such as Iran and even the pensions of Hamas terrorists.
More recently, the Biden administration has tried to dictate to Israel how and when to defeat Hamas and advocates “ceasefires” so that Hamas can resupply itself. In a confidential meeting with Islamic leaders, Biden even apologized to them for questioning its phony numbers concerning civilians killed due to Hamas using them as human shields. And when Biden hosted a Hanukkah party at the White House, he refused to invite families of Americans held hostage by Hamas.
Biden is playing the same game Obama played. He will make statements that appear to be pro-Israel but then pursue policies that strengthen Hamas and Iran, both of whom have repeatedly declared that their intent is to destroy Israel and commit genocide against the Jewish people. The Democrat policies regarding Israel are nothing short of a death sentence for the Jewish people.
What should the American Jewish community do?
- Many of the largest donors to America’s leftist groups are Jews, and they have been led to believe that the groups they’re supporting are somehow supportive of their value system. These are folks such as Mark Zuckerberg, George Soros, Donald Sussman, Tom Steyer, and James Simons. However, the activist groups they fund are anti-Israel, and many of these groups funded by George Soros favor wiping Jews off the face of the Earth. Want more proof? Has anyone seen a protest in favor of Israel or against Hamas since October 7organized by the Progressive movement or any group affiliated with the Democrat Party? The Jewish community needs to use its networks to pressure these Jewish billionaires to cut off funds to the Islamic-Progressive alliance.
- The media coverage of what transpired on October 7 has been horrendous, mostly just repeating the anti-Israel narratives fed to them the by the Left. What’s shocking is that many of the reporters themselves are Jewish but, either out of ignorance or stupidity, are carrying water for Hamas. Jewish citizens need to bombard these reporters and demand that they tell the truth and quit parroting Hamas propaganda.
- Jewish Americans need to demand that our politicians stop the flow of Illegal aliens across our borders. America allows in more legal immigrants than other country in the world, so, clearly, we are not a “xenophobic” country. However, leftists favor the massive influx of illegals — more than eight million since Biden’s election — because they hope to convert them to Democrat voters in order to secure permanent power in America. But with the Democrat base increasingly hostile to Israel, how will that help Israel, and what about the thousands of illegals who are Muslims and are hostile to Israel? Indeed, just this year, more than 160 Muslims who appear on the terrorist watchlist have been detained by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, and those are just the ones who were caught. Indeed, one wonders if there are more Islamic terrorists illegally entering our country than those who attacked Israel. However, securing the border under Biden will be difficult due to the pro-Muslim and pro-illegal alien bias of his administration.
- Jewish Americans should demand that our legal immigration system be merit and skills-based instead of allowing everyone into the country who wants to enter. Indeed, assimilation should be the key here, and Islamic immigrants have proven they have no desire to integrate or accept Western values.
- Demand that Biden quit funding Hamas and groups that support Hamas.
- Jewish donors need to boycott universities that have allowed Hamas and other Islamic radicals to intimidate and harass Jewish students, which, by the way, has been ongoing for at least 10 years. The claim by these schools that they support “free speech” is bogus, as they have systematically fired conservative professors and blocked conservative and pro-Israel speakers for years. Indeed, if a student called for the elimination of the black race he would be expelled within hours, but calling for the extermination of the Jews is apparently just fine with our college leaders. This is unlikely to change unless thousands of Jewish donors to these schools make their voices heard.
- AIPAC is supposedly the main group in America representing Israel, but they have been around for decades and have developed such close relations with the Democrats they have no desire to shake the boat. This is why you hear very little from them. They’ve become part of the permanent political establishment and are otherwise useless. Jews need to form some new groups that will look out not just for Israel, but for the rights of Jews in America, because as of right now, no one is representing them.
Don’t think America will become a nation hostile to Jews? Everyone said that about Germany at one point. Just like Germany in the 1930s, leftists are spraying the Star of David on the walls of Jewish homes. And Dearborn, Michigan, has become an Islamic enclave in which Christian preachers have been beat up and Jews do not even dare venture. Don’t believe it? Then try walking down Dearborn’s main street wearing a yarmulke.
As we continue to allow millions of Muslims into the country both legally and illegally, there will be many more Dearborns, and pretty soon entire areas of our largest cities will become “off-limits” to Jews, just as many European cities have such as Malmö, Brussels, and London.
Even after what was perhaps the largest and most organized attack on Jews since the Third Reich, the Biden administration continues to misdirect the American people with press conferences and false statements claiming that “white supremacy” is a threat to Jews and others. That’s a phony narrative designed to deflect from the real threat to Israel and American Jews: The coalition between the American Left and the radical Islamic community.