Biden’s Miserable Approval Ratings May Lead to Desperate Moves
John F. McManus
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Our nation’s president has has held his office for only a single year. Customarily, a new president can expect a flurry of good wishes that usually lasts longer than a year. But that’s not the case with Joe Biden. It took only a few months for his approval ratings to plummet. The mass media repeatedly pointed to his growing unpopularity.

Pollsters find themselves forced to report that the American people are overwhelmingly disappointed with the president’s handling of key issues. The prevailing view points to “disaster” as the best word to describe the Biden efforts — or in some cases the lack of any effort whatsoever. Even Democrat-favoring experts and solidly Democratic black voters find themselves critical of the president’s sorry performance.

As for what’s wrong, his handling of the U.S. troops’ sudden withdrawal from Afghanistan was an unmitigated failure that left a huge array of weaponry behind for Taliban forces to gleefully scoop up. In addition, numbers of local residents died trying to escape as the Taliban approached former government strongholds. And a contingent of U.S. forces lost their lives during the bungled evacuation. Numerous U.S.-friendly Afghanis — especially translators — were abandoned when promises that they would be protected never materialized.

Biden’s first year in office is also noteworthy for two million border crossers arriving from Mexico. The number had shrunk dramatically under President Trump’s policies including his leadership in building a fence. According to senior Border Patrol veterans, many of the illegal entrants are criminal drug merchants and potential terrorists. Nothing has been done by the Biden team to stem this dangerous influx.

And there’s more. The value of the dollar continues to slide via a rate not seen in more than 40 years. As expected, the Biden team refuses to define what inflation truly is (an increase in the money supply, causing the value of the dollar to decline) — and is not (a rise in prices). And the response to waves of the Covid-related disease in several categories has been disgraceful.

Add to these obvious failings are serious concerns that the president isn’t capable of handling the job. His lapses in memory, reluctance to face the media, fumbling for words, and an inability to answer properly posed questions have many Americans questioning our country’s chief executive.

As a result of all this — and more — many Democrats expect to lose their majority in the House in the November 2022 elections. Likewise, holding on to the slimmest of majorities in the Senate seems unlikely. Democrats are worried; independents are letting it be known that they are moving toward supporting Republican candidates, and Republicans are eagerly looking forward to having their way after November.

One glaring failure of the Biden presidency is the seeming refusal to get cooperation from his running mate. Vice President Kamala Harris was tasked by the president to visit the out-of-control southern border and oversee some plans to deal with the situation. She treated the assignment as if it was a mere suggestion, finally visited the City of El Paso, never went to the area of Texas that has been overrun by border crossers, and actually did nothing to deal with the serious problem. In response, Biden seems to have ignored being ignored by his arrogant running mate’s lack of cooperation. To put the matter in perspective, the uncooperative Harris deserves disciplinary action, maybe even removal from office.

Which brings this writer to consider what might be termed a bold “nuclear option” for the Democratic Party. It begins with Biden replacing Harris with someone who remains popular in Democrat circles, Hillary Clinton. If that first step is taken, the door is left open for Biden to then be relieved of his office via the provisions of the Constitution’s 25th amendment. Doing so would seem to be reasonable to most Americans who have repeatedly been told that Biden not only hasn’t performed well, but his age and mental prowess have made him physically unable to do a decent job as our nation’s chief executive.

That would mean Mrs. Clinton would have her never-hidden ambition become reality, that she becomes President. Democratic Party leaders will cheer such a development. In a few steps, Biden and Harris will be designated “former” office holders as the always-ambitious Hillary Clinton, a Democratic Party favorite, moves back into the White House, this time as the president, not the spouse of a president.

Obviously, what has been suggested above is speculation. Let it be said that this writer has, in the past, issued guesses about what might occur and a scant few of those have become reality. This look into the future seems eminently possible. It’s not what America needs.