While you were sleeping, the Thought Police and the Anti-Gender League were fastidiously challenging and changing the core meanings of words, such as male and female, father and mother, parent and child. Finding replacement terms, including birthing person and second biological parent for mother and father, the Left seeks to dismantle tradition under the guise of building a more inclusive society. For progressives, adding new terms to speech that differentiate one’s self-identity, will somehow magically eradicate gender and racial inequality altogether. However, the absurd assertion that tailoring language to fit the beliefs of a specific segment of society may in fact sow discord, division, confusion, and chaos.
Yet don’t take this cisgender female’s word for it. After all, it was the transgender community firing back when the U.K. Times broke a story on February 10, 2021, about a new “transgender-inclusive” policy at the Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals. According to the report, the policy is “the first in the country to formally implement a gender inclusive language policy for its maternity services department, which will now be known as “perinatal services.”
The policy will require hospital staff “to use gender-neutral language alongside — not instead of — traditional terms to ensure that all groups are represented,” reported BristolLive. Per the chart below, previous terms, such as “breastfeeding,” will be replaced by new terms, such as “chestfeeding.” Other examples include “human milk” for “breast milk”; “parental” instead of “maternal”; and “birthing parent” for “mother.”

Stripping away meaning from language should be alarming for anyone who values individual identity. By replacing “mother,” with “birthing person,” we are eroding a mother’s unique character. If this denigration of the individual continues, we risk being reduced to labels more aptly applied to robots than humans.
Reacting to the policy on Good Morning Britain, liberal commentator Piers Morgan, who is outspoken against political correctness, read a Twitter user’s post that said: “I’m transgender myself, and Morgan is 100 percent correct. This isn’t what the majority of transpeople ask for, and it hinders our rights, not helps us.”
“I want transgender people to have respect and dignity and equality,” continued Morgan. “I don’t think you get there by telling midwives to stop using the term ‘breastfeeding’ because it may upset a few people when 99% of the people in there are breastfeeding. It’s nonsense, and this kind of PC-cop nonsense with the language … it has the opposite effect to what you think it does. It annoys people…. It doesn’t bring you any inclusivity. It becomes exclusive; it alienates people.”
If transgender people are not asking for these term changes, why are progressives bulldozing their ideas under the pretense of inclusivity the transgender community is not demanding? As conservative commentator Dennis Prager says, “The Left destroys everything it touches.”
Engaging in conversation and debate about the psychological and sociological effects of altering language to neutralize gender is the first step toward raising awareness of the “cancer” of cancel culture. Annulling the language that distinguishes us as individuals will eventually eradicate people’s identity and further perpetuate the current cycle of insanity penetrating societies on both sides of the pond.