Thousands of Farmers in Brussels to Protest EU Climate Agenda
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European farmers protesting in Brussels
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Eurpoean farmers have been engaging in protests and tractor blockades all across EU countries in recent weeks, opposing what they say are harmful climate regulations and taxes, as well as foreign competition.

The protests came to a head today in Brussels, as thousands of farmers descended on the EU Parliament building. According to Reuters, “farmers threw eggs and stones at the European Parliament, and started fires and set off fireworks as they demanded EU leaders at a summit nearby do more to help them.”

“We want to stop these crazy laws that come every single day from the European Commission,” Spanish farmer Jose Maria Castilla told Reuters in Brussels.

Police fired tear gas and and sprayed water at the farmers to keep them back as they attempted to tear down small barriers, according to Reuters. The protests began dying down in the afternoon.

The farmers have already received some concessions from EU leadership, such as limiting agricultural imports from Ukraine into the EU and loosening some environmental regulations.