Senate Democrats Dismiss Mayorkas Impeachment Without Trial
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Chuck Schumer
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) moved to dismiss the impeachment case against Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. The Senate voted along party lines, 51-48, to dismiss the first article of impeachment, and 51-49 for the second article of impeachment, with Democrats stating the charges were unconstitutional.

Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) said Senate Democrats have chosen to ignore the constitution, and stated a new precedent has been set in the Senate, stating on X:

Today, Senate Democrats refused to do their constitutional duty. They let Mayorkas off for destroying our border, with no trial, throwing out over two centuries of precedent—and creating a new one. We will remember this, next time Democrats want to remove someone from office.

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) said the Senate refusing to hold a trial was outrageous, stating on X:

Chuck Schumer just refused to hold a trial for the impeachment of Secretary Mayorkas who is single-handedly responsible for carrying out Biden’s deadly border invasion.

I’m amazed that I had to threaten to force a privileged resolution vote on my articles of impeachment every single week in order to get the House to impeach Mayorkas. It should not be this hard to bring accountability to those who are destroying our country. But it’s even more outrageous that the Senate did not even hold a trial. Senate recorded vote was 51-49.