Israeli Military Raids Largest Hospital in Gaza
AP Images
Palestinians leaving Nasser Hospital area in Khan Younis

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) raided Nasser Hospital, the largest hospital still operating in Gaza. The IDF stated the raid was conducted due to Hamas using the hospital for terrorist activity and hiding hostages.

Earlier today Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF, Doctors Without Borders) wrote on X, “Nasser hospital in Khan Younis, Gaza, was shelled in the early hours of this morning, despite Israeli Forces having told medical staff and patients they could remain in the facility. Thousands of displaced people were ordered to evacuate it on 13 February” … “Following shelling this morning, our staff reported a chaotic situation, with an undetermined number of people killed and injured. Since the attack, one of our colleagues remains unaccounted for.”

The Associated Press reported on the Gaza health ministry alleging IDF snipers around Nasser Hospital killed several civilians inside the compound this week. Video posted on social media shows an injured civilian who was attempting to enter the hospital, allegedly targeted by Israeli snipers.

IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari wrote on X, “At this time, IDF forces are operating against the terrorist organization Hamas inside Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis. The operation is based on intelligence information indicating terrorist activity by Hamas at the hospital and its goal is to reach terrorist operatives, including those suspected of involvement in the October Seventh massacre. So far, a number of suspects have been detained at the hospital”