Democrat Real Estate Tycoon: Trump “Only Person” Who Can Save American Dream.
Grant Cardone
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

In a story that flew way under the leftist mainstream media’s malfunctioning radar this week, billionaire real-estate investor Grant Cardone, a Democrat, told Fox Business Digital that President Joe Biden has been a disaster for the nation, that Veep Kamala Harris will lose to Donald Trump, and that his foreign cronies hope Trump wins the election.

For only Trump, Cardone and his biz pals across the globe believe, can restore American prosperity and keep world peace. Indeed, Trump is the “only person,” Cardone believes, who can put America back on track.

But Cardone, chieftain of Cardone Capital, didn’t stop with the interview with Fox. He continued his attack on Twitter in the ensuing days.

Dems Today Not JFK Dems

“The Democratic Party I grew up being part of is no longer about regular people. Now we know it’s all been a sham,” Cardone told Fox News Business Digital the day after Biden quit the race for president:

“First thing I thought when I heard Biden would not run was, ‘We’ve been lied to for over four years,’” he continued. “He should immediately step down.”

The resignation, though, isn’t enough. Biden’s staying in the job until January is “insane,” he told Fox. “Knowing his compromised condition, it also means that our country is in ruins not being run by him, but by others. … There was not even an explanation to ‘we the people.’”

Carone thinks Trump will “deregulate business, protect America, put an end to the nonsense, inspire the greatest middle class wealth expansion.” And as his personal interest goes — real estate — Cardone says Trump will be “great.” Carone warned that lower interest rates are a must if the industry is to improve its fortunes.

But Cardone also offered an unexpected take from people he knows across the globe:

I’m in the south of France, and people from France, England, Dubai, Serbia, Canada and Colombia have come up to tell me they can’t believe what is happening in America.… They want Trump. These are some of the most successful people in the world. They believe him getting up after the assassination [attempt] makes it clear: Trump is the best thing for America and world peace.

Cardone told Fox that Trump is the “only person living today who can save the American Dream” and predicted that he will “destroy Kamala.”

X Posts

On X just hours ago, Cardone explained that the Democrat Party seems to be on a mission to wreck the American middle class:

He also noted that Harris wants a “70% – 80% tax rate.” 

“She will destroy the middle class already declining at the fastest rate ever,” he wrote. “If you care about your family’s economics pay attention to policy not skin color.”

“How bad was Joe if he had to step down and how many people covered up for him?” he asked when an ailing Biden quit his fight against Trump. “They lied to the American public hundreds of times saying he was capable to lead when he was not.”

Of Biden’s national address after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, Cardone wrote:

Biden struggles to read the teleprompter and missed the opportunity to galvanize the country.

Not even 6 minutes … 1/2 dozen stumbles, said nothing significant, didn’t inspire or demonstrate real strength, hope & leadership.

Posting his Fox interview, the lifelong Democrat delivered a grim verdict on the Democrat Party of 2024. The party has been moving the kook left since November 22, 1963.

“The Democratic Party hasn’t been the same since JFK was assassinated,” he wrote:

It used to represent the majority, hard working Americans who were attempting to secure opportunity, property and a better life for their family.  

Now it’s a bizarre fringe group focused on WEIRD agendas, handouts, moral decay, and destruction of the family & faith.

That “weird agenda” includes the party’s obsession with pushing freaks, weirdos, and sex perverts into positions of power, such as “Admiral Rachel” Levine, a “trans woman,” and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who thinks he is married to a man. Buttigieg’s “husband,” Chasten, has been recorded grooming children in leading them in a “pledge” to the homosexual rainbow flag.

Pro-Trump Democrat

Yet Cardone is backing Trump as enthusiastically as he’s attacking Biden and Harris.

“Donald Trump is like Nostradamus,” he wrote. “What you look for in an executive is someone who is right more often than wrong. You don’t like what he says but he was right.”

Trump, Cardone wrote, was right about the China Virus, the Russia Collusion Hoax, “Biden incompetence” and his legal cases in Florida, George, and New York.

“Only 4 days ago our guy got clipped … Notice No revolts, No burning buildings, No protest,” he wrote after the assassination attempt on Trump:

We just unite & continue to take care of family, community & business.

When 3rd parties like Sorros & others aren’t stirring the pot and funding  destruction, good people remain good people.

“I stand with Trump! … since the beginning,” he wrote over the now-famous photo of Trump after the assassination attempt.

H/T: Conservative Brief