The American military may soon lose as many as 38,700 of its active-duty troops and more than 1,300,000 of all contractors and civilian support. That would happen not as a result of deaths on the battlefield, but because these servicemen refuse to comply with the order to get vaccinated against COVID-19, according to an internal document of the Department of Defense given to attorney Thomas Renz by a DOD whistleblower.
On Tuesday, Ohio-based attorney Renz posted a 35-page unclassified DOD document titled “Senior Leaders Brief Covid-19” from January 12, 2022.
According to the graph posted on page 6 of the report, 38,700, or nearly three percent of all active-duty personnel in the Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Navy, and Space Force, have not gotten a vaccine or have not attested to their vaccination status.
The same is true for eight percent, or 141,252, of the Reservists and National Guardsmen and 11.5 percent, or 12,889, of the “other active-duty” personnel and “other” Reservists and Guardsmen.
A whopping 71.4 percent, or 1,300,111, civilians and contractors working for the military have either not gotten their shots or have not disclosed whether they have.

In total, 2,228,976 people who work for the U.S. military are potentially facing discharge for not complying with COVID vaccine mandate.
The purge of the unvaxxed has already begun. Thus far, three branches of the military — the Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps — have discharged more than 650 members, according to Fox News.
Last week, the U.S. Navy said that it had discharged 270 service members, 247 of which were active-duty members, and one was a U.S. Navy Reserve member.
Per the latest official data, the Navy has granted 11 permanent medical exemptions, 232 temporary medical exemptions, 44 administrative exemptions, and zero religious exemptions. Ready Reserve service members got zero permanent medical exemptions, 11 temporary medical exemptions, and nine administrative exemptions. Zero religious exemption requests for the COVID-19 vaccine were approved.
Per the latest update, 103 Marines were separated from the forces on the week of December 16. The branch has so far discharged 206 Marines with the vaccine refusal discharge code, according to Military.com.
The U.S. Air Force has administratively separated 87 active-duty Airmen. The branch has granted 1,672 medical exemptions from taking the vaccine, along with 2,094 administrative exemptions, and nine out of 3,222 religious exemption requests.
In the beginning of February, the U.S. Army announced that it was “immediately” beginning involuntary discharges for active duty troops who have refused to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, per Army Times.
The move will affect 3,350 active-duty soldiers. The service has not yet approved any religious exemptions for the shot (2,901 requests were filed) and authorized only six out of 709 permanent medical exemptions.
Troops whose exemption requests are denied will have a week to either get the shot or file an appeal, according to the latest Army directive. The order applies to regular Army soldiers, reserve-component soldiers serving on Title 10 active-duty, and cadets.
“Unvaccinated Soldiers present risk to the force and jeopardize readiness,” said Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth in a statement that accompanied the directive.
Many, including Renz, do not see it that way, and view the discharges of the unvaccinated as a much greater threat to national security than the refusal to get a COVID shot.
Renz wrote,
Will the Executive Branch purge 25% of our Military Members? Are they going to purge 71% of the civilians and contractors that support our military that are also unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated? What will that do to America’s National Security? And who benefits from a weakened American military?
He added,
How could this possibly be in the best interest of the safety and security of the United States. Why would you weaken our military while beating the war-drums against Russia?
Renz called on Americans to “stand for our Military Heroes and push back against this tyrannical vaccine mandate” by sharing this information with their representatives.
Cure Worse Than Disease?
The attorney has recently made headlines with his testimony during a panel discussion titled “Covid-19: A Second Opinion” in Washington D.C. on January 24, 2022, that was hosted by Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.).
Renz presented data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) provided to him by three DOD whistleblowers — Doctors Samuel Sigoloff, Peter Chambers, and Theresa Long. The data showed that the U.S. military personnel saw a significant increase in cancers, neurological, and reproductive issues and numerous other conditions in 2021, compared to a five-year average rate. Senator Johnson has written a letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin asking to explain those numbers.
According to “fact-checkers” from PolitiFact, the DOD took an official position that the DMED data was underreported for the previous years, which explains the “impression” that the military saw a huge increase in serious health issues. The DMED was taken offline to “identify and correct the root-cause of the data corruption.” The “corrected” numbers are expected to be posted soon.
In November, Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long, a senior U.S. Army aerospace medicine specialist who has treated soldiers injured by COVID vaccines, testified before the U.S. Senate that COVID vaccines pose a greater danger to the health of American servicemen and military readiness than COVID itself and condemned the Biden administration for treating men and women in uniform as “lab rats.” Long added that the Army Public Health Command confirmed to her that adverse events following the vaccination were not tracked, traced, or monitored.