The mad rush of illegal aliens for the U.S. border with Mexico continued in December.
U.S Customs and Border Protection has reported that border agents bagged more than 73,000 illegals, which brought the total for the fiscal year’s first quarter to more than 200,000. That’s about 70-percent higher than last year’s first-quarter total. If the pace continues, border agents will apprehend almost one million by year’s end.
Illegals are headed this way in a human tsunami, the Chinese Virus regardless, because they know President Joe Biden will offer them a hot meal, free medical care, and a free place to stay.
The borders, Biden repeatedly said during his campaign, will open on January 20, Inauguration Day.
Biden has also promised to amnesty the 11 million illegals here now. That means Americans have no reason to believe he won’t do the same for the illegals arriving now, some with dangerous communicable diseases. One of those is, of course, the Asiatic pathogen that panicked public officials into wrecking the U.S. economy.
Biden reiterated that vow on Friday.
The Numbers
Total apprehensions at and between ports of entry, the latter group being border-jumping miscreants, was 216,701, CBP reported, a 69-percent increase over the 128,347 that crossed in the first quarter last year.
Agents caught 70,630 illegals who jumped the border in December, 61,272 of whom were single adults. The first-quarter total was 207,968. A little more than 9,300 were kids and “family units.”
Illegals at ports of entry totaled 2,883 for December and 8,733 for the first three months; 87.5 percent, or 7,644, were single adults.
[wpmfpdf id=”114528″ embed=”1″ target=””]Monthly apprehensions have been increasing since April, when the Chinese Virus significantly slowed the flow. Now, they’re higher than they were last year at this same time.
December’s number alone jumped 81.2 percent from 40,565 last year, the data show.
[wpmfpdf id=”114529″ embed=”1″ target=””]Biden: Come One, Come All
The surging tide shows no signs of stopping, not least because Biden has insisted that the border with Mexico will open in nine days.
At a news conference on January 8, Breitbart.com reported, Biden said he will investigate the Trump administration’s family separation policy, which kept dangerous illegal alien adults away from small kids. He also repeated his amnesty promise.
“There will be a thorough, thorough investigation of who is responsible and whether or not their responsibility is criminal, and if that is the [conclusion], the Attorney General will make that judgment,” said elderly president-elect, who takes office on January 20:
I will introduce an immigration bill immediately and have it sent to the appropriate committees to begin movement. I will in fact countermand executive orders that the president has in fact initiated that are contrary to what I think is either his authority and/or even if it’s his authority, contrary to the interests of the United States on environmental issues and a range of other things.
That gibberish aside, Biden also promised to flood the country with refugees during his campaign. Not doing so, his website said, would be “un-American.” Biden will also reinstate the Obama administration’s disastrous program known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), which protects illegals from deportation if they jumped the border with parents when they were kids.
Last year, the Trump administration reported that 10 percent were criminals. DACA recipients were arrested more than 200,000 times.
In August, police charged one of Obama’s DACA recipients with murder and other crimes.
Biden is so obsessed with flooding the country with foreigners that he won’t even keep out people who can’t earn a living and stay off the public dole.
Biden will “reverse Trump’s public charge rule, which runs counter to our values as Americans and the history of our nation,” his website says, because blocking the entry of welfare deadbeats “undermines America’s character as land of opportunity that is open and welcoming to all, not just the wealthy.”
Of course, Biden has never stressed that American taxpayers will pay for the plan to replace them.