More evidence has emerged that proves George Zimmerman, the Hispanic Democrat who shot black teeanger Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida on February 26, fired in self defense as he claimed.
On Tuesday, ABC News released the medical report that details Zimmerman’s injuries. It is thoroughly consistent with Zimmerman’s claim that Martin savagely attacked him, forcing Zimmerman to pull his gun and shoot Martin.
Thanks to Martin’s parents and professional race hustlers, along with the media, Zimmerman has been hiding since he was released on bond after prosecutors charged him with second-degree murder.
Now, it appears, the prosecution’s case has fallen apart.
Broken Nose
According to ABC, the report confirms what Zimmerman has said from the minute police collared him after he shot young Martin, a 6-foot-three 150-pound football player: that Martin struck first, knocking Zimmerman to the ground and trying to kill him.
As The New American reported several weeks ago, Zimmerman’s father told a reporter what George Zimmerman told him:
He went to the next street, realized where he was and was walking to his vehicle. It’s my understanding, at that point, Trayvon Martin walked up to him and asked him, “Do you have a [expletive] problem?” George said, “No, I don’t have a problem,” and started to reach for his cell phone … at that point, he (Martin) was punching him in the nose, his nose was broken and he was knocked to the concrete. Trayvon Martin got on top of him and just started beating him. In the face, in his nose, hitting his head on the concrete.
The reporter also asked Zimmerman’s father whether Martin said anything to George Zimmerman.
After nearly a minute of being beaten, George was trying to get his head off the concrete, trying to move with Trayvon on him, into the grass. In doing so, his firearm was shown. Trayvon Martin said something to the effect of, “you’re gonna die now or you’re gonna die tonight,” something to that effect. He continued to beat George, and at some point, George pulled his pistol and did what he did.
The medical report obtained by ABC confirms that statement. “A medical report compiled by the family physician of Trayvon Martin shooter George Zimmerman … found that Zimmerman was diagnosed with a ‘closed fracture’ of his nose, a pair of black eyes, two lacerations to the back of his head and a minor back injury the day after he fatally shot Martin during an alleged altercation,” the network reported.
The morning after the shooting, on Feb. 27, Zimmerman sought treatment at the offices of a general physician at a family practice near Sanford, Fla. The doctor notes Zimmerman sought an appointment to get legal clearance to return to work.
The record shows that Zimmerman also suffered bruising in the upper lip and cheek and lower back pain. The two lacerations on the back of his head, one of them nearly an inch long, the other about a quarter-inch long, were first revealed in photos obtained exclusively by ABC News last month.
So upset was Zimmerman about the shooting that he suffered “occasional nausea when thinking about the violence,” ABC reported, quoting the medical evidence.
But he was not diagnosed with a concussion. The doctor noted that it was “imperative” that Zimmerman “be seen with [sic] his psychologist for evaluation.
According to the report, prior to the shooting Zimmerman had been prescribed Adderall and Temazepam, medications that can cause side effects such as agitation and mood swings, but in fewer than 10 percent of patients.
A neighbor told ABC News that the day after the shooting he saw Zimmerman as he spoke to officers outside his home. He too recalled seeing black eyes and significant swelling — as well as a bandage over his nose.
Unethical Prosecution
At the time of the shooting, the media and Martin’s family, abetted by race hustlers Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, portrayed Zimmerman as a trigger-happy racist, with the New York Times describing him as a white Hispanic, an unusual term the paper never uses. A congresswoman portrayed it thusly: Martin was “sweet young boy hunted down like a dog.”
It turned out that Martin was anything but sweet, despite the media’s repeatedly showing photographs of him that led readers and viewers to believe he was only 12 or 13 years old when he was shot. Current photos of Zimmerman depicted a sullen criminal. NBC was forced to apologize and fire two employees for editing an audio tape of Zimmerman’s 911 call that, again, made Zimmerman appear to be racist.
The New Black Panthers put out a $10,000 bounty for Zimmerman’s “capture” and published posters that said Zimmerman was “wanted dead or alive.” Third-tier movie director Spike Lee tweeted the address of a resident he was thought was Zimmerman, apparently hoping that some of his 250,000 followers would exact retribution. But Lee tweeted the wrong address, forcing an elderly couple to flee their home because they feared for their lives.
After all that, a special prosecutor charged Zimmerman with second-degree murder. Problem was, the affidavit detailing what supposedly happened didn’t pass the smell test. Lawyers said the prosecutors had “overcharged,” hoping to get Zimmerman to plead to a lesser charge. Some flatly predicted legal difficulties overcoming Zimmerman’s claim of self defense. Then leftist legal eagle Alan Dershowitz demolished the prosecutor’s affidavit, calling it “stupid,” “unethical,” “immoral,” and “irresponsible.”
The affidavit, said Dershowitz, is “so thin that it won’t make it past a judge on a second degree murder charge … everything in the affidavit is completely consistent with a defense of self-defense.”
ABC News then released the first piece of evidence proving Zimmerman’s claim that Martin attacked him, a photograph of Zimmerman’s bleeding head, which police had to possess. Dershowitz spoke again, telling Breitbart News that if prosecutors had the photo when they released the affidavit, then leaving it out was a “grave ethical violation. Such affidavits, the famed defense lawyer said, must contain “all relevant information”:
An affidavit that willfully misstates undisputed evidence known to the prosecution is not only unethical but borders on perjury because an affiant swears to tell not only the truth, but the whole truth, and suppressing an important part of the whole truth is a lie. … [I]t’s not only immoral, but stupid. The whole country is watching. What do they benefit from having half-truths in an affidavit?
Another key moment in the case occurred during Zimmerman’s first hearing in the case. The big news was that Zimmerman apologized to the family, admitting that he did not know whether Martin had a gun. Another more significant statement came from an investigator, who admitted he did not know who attacked whom that fateful night in February.
Not a Racist
From the beginning, the usual suspects have been trying to turn the case into a hate crime, an effort that reached its apogee when President Obama said that if he had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin.
But, like the claim that Zimmerman “stalked” Martin and ambushed him, or shot him in the back, as some believe, the notion that Zimmerman was a closeted Klansman out to murder an innocent black boy was quickly disproven.
A little digging showed that Zimmerman had tutored black children in his neighborhood on his free time, and amusingly enough, that some of Zimmerman’s maternal grandparents and great grandparents are black. Indeed, riffing off Obama’s remark, a CNN legal analyst said the president’s grandparents would have looked a lot like George Zimmmerman’s.
Reuters recently published a story to explain why Zimmerman had a gun. A police officer instructed the couple to buy one and learn to use it because a vicious pit bull in the neighborhood was on the loose. Pepper spray, the cop warned, wouldn’t work.
Now that ABC has released definitive proof that Zimmerman told the truth, the question is when prosecutors will drop charges.
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Photo: George Zimmerman takes the witness stand, April 20, 2012, during a bond hearing in Sanford, Fla.: AP Images